Serenity, through modern chemistry
I don't think their convention is open yet according to some of the talking heads. They seem to think that the Biden/Harris ticket the Dems voted for is still in force, that is, the delegates are sworn to vote for it on the first ballot, with or without Joe, making Harris the default nominee. The alternate scenario would have the DNC changing the rules before the first vote to have an open convention, and it was their belief that it has to be done at the convention with the delegates approval. That's a lot of rabbits to pull out of a lot of hats just to lose all of the campaign donations and the general election, hence the notion that the Dems have conceded the White House.RCP has changed the Biden column on the no toss-up map to just read "Democrat", but they have not changed the numbers.
Reading through the individual state polls that were already underway, Harris typically does a bit worse against Trump than Biden.
I can't help but be a little skeptical that the Dems will stay with Kamala, they know she isn't popular. But, they have a problem if they go around her. Serves them right.
Personally, I would love to see an open convention... It would look like Wrestlemania without the ring ropes!!