Interesting polls

A lot of people on Facebook are doing that for their profile pic. Granted, they are probably hardcore Trump supporters, so might not indicate any change in support.

I just wish folks could get past their feelings about Trump and realize the danger in what happened here. This country was already divided, and this likely makes it worse.

Anyone who is a student of history should know what usually happens when leaders try and divide the citizens.
You do realize Trump did a lot to divide the country while he ran in 2016 and during his term.
I found a few new Trump vs Biden polls taken after the verdict, but they are all over the place. Some show Biden a couple of points in the lead now, others show Trump with an even larger lead.

I just don't think they are worth considering yet. People need a few days to process this and hopefully think more with their heads.
I found a few new Trump vs Biden polls taken after the verdict, but they are all over the place. Some show Biden a couple of points in the lead now, others show Trump with an even larger lead.

I just don't think they are worth considering yet. People need a few days to process this and hopefully think more with their heads.
There really isn’t much to process, at least up until this point. It’s either Biden or Trump….take a pick.
Polls only show what the people asked say they would vote, not if they will vote. I think voter enthusiasm will be the deciding factor and this case has really riled up the Trump voters while Biden has very few excited…so far.
Will the added voter enthusiasm for Trump supporters remain high until November? 5+ months is an eternity in politics and there likely won't be another completed trial before November. Will Biden get replaced by someone that makes Democrats more enthusiastic to vote? I still think Biden will get replaced by someone like Newsom or Michelle and enthusiasm for them would be far higher than for Biden.

Lots of questions between now and November.
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Brand new polls for the battleground states. Very little change, Trump is actually up by a tenth of a point, which is not significant.

Looking at the graph; Trump's numbers have held steady since the conviction, Biden has dropped a bit.

But, still early, so I probably wouldn't draw too many conclusions yet.

A couple of new polls out indicating some of Trump's support might have gone over to Kennedy.

Still early, and these are not the most respected pollsters, so I wouldn't put stock in them just yet.

I know betting odds isn't scientific, but I believe they do give us some insight into what people think. Trump's betting odds have actually come up since the verdict.

One thing I'm noticing different from the 2020 election is the reduction in hate for Trump. While there's certainly still a lot out there. (and one on here), it doesn't seem as much as it was. By this time four years ago, the Democrats had successfully fostered enough hate for Trump to get masses of people to emotion vote for Biden. The last election was set up to be a referendum on Trump, and many voted for Biden simply because he was the other choice.

I suspect some of those people have since realized what that got them, and have decided that it wasn't so bad under Trump after all. And, I think the Democrats have hit their limits in how much hate toward Trump they can generate. By now, there's probably not much about Trump people don't know.

Specifically, the "racist" accusations against Trump seem to have worn themselves out. Time will tell what the real shift is, but it's looking like Trump's biggest gains might be among black and Hispanic voters. Make no mistake, any significant shift in these groups is a huge setback for the Democrats. If Trump does get a significant number of blacks and Hispanics to move over, that could mean major changes in the political landscape of this country.

New polls coming out

Trump leading Biden in 2 key swing states: Polling

Donald Trump still leading President Biden in Georgia despite conviction​

The polls just aren't moving much. The only thing worth mentioning is Virginia. I've already posted the Trump vs Biden poll showing them tied, there's also a 5-way poll that has Biden ahead only by one point. Given that Biden won Virginia by 10 points last time, this is a major shift. I suspect Glenn Youngkin is a factor in that.
This is why I've been so outspoken about voting your emotions. Look at what it got us last time.

More than half of Biden supporters say main reason for backing is to oppose Trump: CBS poll​

Those are all Democratic voters who are party loyalist. The last Republican presidential candidate to draw a large number of Democratic voters was Reagan. Trump ain't no Reagan.