What\'s Wrong with Marriage Today

Foxmeister said:
Guard Dad said:
Foxmeister said:
deewee said:
Just thought of something I wanted to add.

I think the hardest thing to do, as a christian wife, is to submit to man who is not as spiritually mature...or who doesn't himself submit to God first. Been there and battled with that. One thing I learned is that as long as I am obedient to follow my husband's lead, then the results of that are God's responsibility. He will correct the husband, we don't need to do that, with fairness and righteousness.

You bring up an interesting point. Should a Christian woman marry a man who is not a Christian; should she not look for a Christian man?

2 Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
2 Corinthians 6:13-15 (in Context) 2 Corinthians 6 (Whole Chapter)

I was thinking of 2 Corinthians 6:14 when I asked the question. If you're not equally yoked, one is pulling a lot more weight than the other, thus working harder.

Not really sure if it matters or not......but my hubby was raised one religion and I was another......both had the same Bible and we both would get into big arguments about different things in the Bible.....unreal
Foxmeister said:
You bring up an interesting point. Should a Christian woman marry a man who is not a Christian; should she not look for a Christian man?

People who marry someone of a different faith are just begging for trouble and turmoil. Not saying it can't work, because I've seen it, BUT it requires a lot of compromise and most of the time, misery. I for one would never consider marrying someone who was of a different faith/understanding than I. It's like two horses yoked together pulling in different directions.
I have a very happy, loving, supportive, non-religious relationship and I couldn't be happier in it. There are no gender roles. No one is better than the other. We both share work and responsibility equally. It's pretty damn amazing and without all the worry that other relationships have. I wish everyone was this fortunate.
Guard Dad said:
C. Mark said:
We don't watch sports and we share the rest.

Duet farts?

We don't find it necessary to perform a symphony. Some of us believe it's a mere body function and a not sport.