Covid is right here, and it's getting bad fast.

Well, isn't that convenient.

Very convenient.... :nono:

But according to Vanity Fair, when an evolutionary biologist named Jesse D. Bloom sent a draft of an unpublished scientific paper he'd written to Dr. Anthony Fauci, about how records of SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequences published paper from China vanished without a trace, Bloom established that the National Institute of Health (NIH) itself had deleted the sequences from its own archive at the request of researchers in Wuhan.

These "sequences," Vanity Fair notes, "map the nucleotides that give a virus its unique genetic identity," and "are key to tracking when the virus emerged and how it might have evolved."

Deleting data on SARS-CoV-2 could mean the true origins of the virus might never be known.
Not a bad article, but I still chuckle at how they made the efficacy issue of the vaccines into a two-part rating; both how well they prevent the virus and how well they protect you from hospitalization and serious illness. I have some doubts as to the latter claim as well; I've done some reading that indicate it makes little difference.

Not a bad article, but I still chuckle at how they made the efficacy issue of the vaccines into a two-part rating; both how well they prevent the virus and how well they protect you from hospitalization and serious illness. I have some doubts as to the latter claim as well; I've done some reading that indicate it makes little difference.

Since the idea of a Vax is to BLOCK the virus from making you sick, the whole "serious illness" line is to try to justify a vaccine that doesn't work any more.
If it's a race do we get a medal or something?

"NBC News is reporting, based on its own analysis, that the U.S. death toll has reached that total and is the highest in the world."

I'm pretty sure that claim is just more NBC rhetoric through number manipulation but, if true, what does that say about how the U.S. handled the "crisis"?

I had to look up the definition of "Positivity Rate"
It's the percentage of people who test positive for the virus of those overall who have been tested. So, as more and more people are being tested, the focus is shifting to the positivity rate -- how many of those tested are actually infected.

I'm sorry, but any stats that uses as a base only the people who come into the lab and get tested is pretty much useless, both ways.

The ONLY thing this says to me is that the percentage of sick people, or people who have been around people who later got sick, and decided to get tested end up having COVID vs anything else, less than 25% of the time. Which says nothing about the general population as a whole.

My daughter's realtor has her entire family down with a virus with lots of the covid symptoms, but it's not covid, it's not the flu, the doc just said it's a random virus. (Maybe she'd patient zero for the new Chinese virus that is going to be used to fudge this election!)

Seriously, unless you do a random sampling, these kind of statistics are useless. It seems to me that if a person doesn't trust the vax enough to stay unvaccinated now, that they are unlikely to go get tested either.

Just my opinion however.
I've seen a lot of stats that do suggest a majority of people who got covid over the last few months were vaccinated.

NO, I don't think the vaccine makes you any more susceptible to covid, but as I have opined before, I think Omicron went back and got a lot of the people who didn't have covid before, possibly because the vaccine prevented them from getting the earlier variants.

It appears that natural immunity is considerably more effective at preventing the later variants than the vaccine is, so not nearly as many people who had covid early on got the Omicron.
Perhaps the young and healthy did not feel they needed a covid shot... they are not the demographic getting sick anyway. The older folk who were most susceptible took the shot, and could not fight off getting covid when exposed.

I will say that I am hearing many feel the shot is actually making the immune system weaker and unable to fight disease. I know a woman who does the labs for Loma Linda Hospital in California. She said there are so many clotting issues now. She can tell from a blood slide who has had the shot. The blood clumps together differently on the slides, instead of how it usually looked prior to the start of covid shots. She is saying do not get the boosters.
Hard to find good tracking info anymore. It does appear that cases are up a bit, been several around me getting the WuFlu. But I'm not hearing of anyone getting very sick, cases seem to be milder than ever. Whether than't due to the virus mutating or us gaining more immunity, I don't know. Perhaps some of both.

Regardless, it seems that most people are freakin' over it. We're returning to normal no matter what.