Bankruptcies, Business Failures, Layoffs, etc

Finally some positive numbers:

U.S. technology firm Apple has become the first brand to cross $1 trillion in brand value, a 15% jump from last year, a global ranking by Kantar's BrandZ showed on Wednesday.

The iPhone maker retained its crown as the world's most valuable brand for the third straight year in 2024, followed by Alphabet's Google at $753 billion and Microsoft at $713 billion, Kantar said

I would say it’s a good news but I can’t help but think of how their new phone capabilities may intrude our privacy. I’m old school and slow to the AI game which is probably not a good thing. The reality is we can’t stop it and it either already does or will soon affect our lives individually. I suppose AI is like pew pews in that it’s a tool which can be used for good or misused depending on the operator.
After the Powell did his thing I actually bet against the market thinking he may have spooked institutional investors. I was in the green for a few minutes but it turned red thereafter. Hoping for a momentary downturn today for an exit point.
After the Powell did his thing I actually bet against the market thinking he may have spooked institutional investors. I was in the green for a few minutes but it turned red thereafter. Hoping for a momentary downturn today for an exit point.
I've done very well this week. Hope I get to keep most of it.
I've done very well this week. Hope I get to keep most of it.
My Put expires tomorrow and it didn’t go the direction I expected today. I’m an optimist though, there’s still a chance tomorrow. It’s only one contract and not a lot of money but it does hurt the pride a little. I try to maintain a 65-75% win / loss ratio and since I’ve only taken two trades so far in June this will drop me to 50%. I’ve been busy with an 8,000 shipping lane quote proposal for next year which was due today so that has taken priority.
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Red Lobster Looks to New Wall Street Savior After Prior Woes

My Put expires tomorrow and it didn’t go the direction I expected today. I’m an optimist though, there’s still a chance tomorrow. It’s only one contract and not a lot of money but it does hurt the pride a little. I try to maintain a 65-75% win / loss ratio and since I’ve only taken two trades so far in June this will drop me to 50%. I’ve been busy with an 8,000 shipping lane quote proposal for next year which was due today so that has taken priority.
Well, it didn’t turn in my favor but I was able to salvage much of it from five additional trades today, 4 of which were winners, so now I’m back at a respectable 5 of out 7 for June.
Mine went down for a while today, but finished a smidgen higher than yesterday.

Been the best week I've had yet.
Most of my long term holders went up some this week too. The daily swings can sometimes get crazy which is why I like to trade them either by “day trading” or with “0DTE options” (since I have no intention of holding them overnight and especially not over a weekend or holiday). If it breaks my way I let it run, it it breaks the other way I get out quickly. I work from home and am stuck behind a desk all day in front of a computer screen so why not trade some when time allows. I added two additional monitors so I have one for just charts and another for my trading platform. I’ve been a trading geek since high school, my grandfather got me started when I was young. I remember him sitting at his kitchen table with his calculator, pencil & paper, and the Wall Street Journal. That was his nightly ritual. I remember writing my first research paper in high school on “How To Trade Stocks”. I wish I still had it so I could laugh at it.

Some people collect speakers as a hobby, some watch cat videos, and some lose money in the markets.