Name One Thing Kids Today will Never Understand...

Yup playing in the DDT. We used to ride our bikes in it.
Wow... I had no idea. I did not know they used DDT for mosquitoes. Where I grew up we did not have a mosquito problem.

Well DDT pretty much got rid of lice and bed bugs... those have come back since we stopped DDT.
Have you ever watched someone recover an 8-track with too much tape pulled out????

8-track tapes,,, that's another one that today's kids have never seen!!!

I can't remember. I had a friend who had a player in her house and car... but I don't remember them getting eaten. I am sure they did.
Loved these... so fun to use as a kid.

To kids today:


I remember...

If anyone wanted to be able to find something...
They needed to study and understand the dewey decimal system.

Otherwise... the card files were just hit and miss...

One thing about it... those wooden cabinets are GREAT for parts... if you can find one for a reasonable price.