Name One Thing Kids Today will Never Understand...

Actually dialing a phone.

Hoping your friends are home when you call. Waiting to call again... maybe they were home now, because there was no voicemail to leave a message.

Or just going to someone's house and asking if they could come out and play .
Riding your bike to school.

Your parents not knowing where you are all day on a Saturday until sunset, but everyone knew that you were OK and behaving or the phone would be ringing off the hook.
Your parents telling you go out and play, your not allowed back in the house. You had to drink from the water hose when you got thirsty ... always had that yuck taste.
Milk in glass bottles,,, delivered to your door.
The original recycling! They collected the bottles, washed them and used them over and over.

LOVED when mom let me put up the wheelie thing for Chocolate milk. It was sooooo good ... thick and creamy.
