More evidence that transgender bathrooms are a bad idea

So it's no longer relevant?
Relevant here, no. We have already discussed that particular article with that doctor. Relevant to those that want to say that transgenders should be mentally treated (which all actually are before medications or transitions occur) of course.
Interesting story. What the heck did the transgender expect from heterosexual men? That just goes to show how crazy the transgender is. How many heterosexual women would date and be intimate with someone who looks like a "man," but still had her female plumbing?
I think he/she was just trying to stir up controversy. Every time they start handing out these group rights, some of them push the envelope to see how much trouble they can stir up or how much attention they can get.
I think he/she was just trying to stir up controversy. Every time they start handing out these group rights, some of them push the envelope to see how much trouble they can stir up or how much attention they can get.
It's no wonder they have such a high suicide rate.
I wonder what the gay community is going to do now that they aren't in the spotlight. It only took one straight man who got confused about his plumbing and how he wanted to pee to toss the whole homo thing to the back burner. I see a lisp and slap fest breaking out here soon. lol