FREE Gary Johnson Bumper Stickers & Signs

lotstodo said:
Johnson's stand on personal liberty is far different from either of the other two candidates. His record on small government across the board is way better than either Barry or Mittens. It isn't even a contest, but that isn't the contest that will decide the future of our government. He simply isn't going to win, influence the platform of any party or institution that holds any power in Washington, or influence popular thought in the nation about civil liberties. The contest that will count will be between Romney and Obama. I would do just as well voting for myself, a man with whom I fully agree, as voting for Johnson. The result on November 6 would be exactly the same. I've tilted at a few windmills in my day, but this is one that I'll ride by in favor of attacking the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, the entity I view as the most immediate enemy of the welfare and liberty of the people.

There is a difference because Johnson is on the ballot in 47 states and actually has enough to win, why don't we try, and shift our attention from Bush 3.0 to someone that'd actually do very well in office and do what the people of our country want??? Why would we want to kiss up to the GOP bullies for the 4th time? We should support Johnson like you're supporting Romney such as getting bumper stickers and putting out yard signs and spreading the word, it would make a HUGE difference. Which do you want? The big black bully taking our liberties away, a multi-billionaire taking liberties away, or someone that's for liberty and has the best economic policy?
LibertarianLegend said:
Foxmeister said:
LibertarianLegend said:
Honestly, why would a third party vote help Obama? I don't get it, madames and sirs??? People vote for Gary Johnson because they want to vote for Gary Johnson which includes values and principles that neither Obama or Romney have. Think about it as a "Who do you most believe in?" game and not a numbers game...I mean Johnson wants to abolish the IRS and implement the Fair Tax...We've been saying "This isn't the year" for over a century now, now is finally the time. The question is, "Do you want to help your country?", "Do you want to help future generations thrive better than we will?", "Do you want freedom for your kids in the future?"...We've been riding the slide called "We have this person to beat" without looking into true values for a long time now. If Romney gets elected, think about it, we'll be thinking the same thing in 2016. It's time to get over what the media is trying to persuade you to, and besides Johnson will be on the direct ballot in all 50 states.

I’ll give you a good example of how voting for Johnson will help Obama get a second term; the 1992 presidential election. The results were as follows:

Bill Clinton:
Electoral Votes – 370
States Carried – 32 + DC
Popular Vote - 44,909,806
Percentage – 43%

George H. Bush:
Electoral Votes – 168
States Carried – 18
Popular Vote - 39,104,550
Percentage – 37.5%

Ross Perot:
Electoral Votes – 0
States Carried – 0
Popular Vote – 19,743,821
Percentage – 18.9%

Here’s the 1992 Presidential Election Map showing the results of who carried what state and the number of electoral votes from each state.


Now take a look at the 1988 Presidential Election Map which shows the results of the states Bush won and the electoral votes from each.


In 1992, Bush lost 22 states he had carried in the 1988 election. You may think so what it doesn’t mean anything, but it does. Even though Perot didn’t carry a single state, he received 19.7 million conservative votes. Those were votes that caused Bush to lose states in ’92 that he carried in ’88. Those votes for Perot put Clinton in office.
Johnson doesn’t have the money available Perot had to run an effective enough campaign to win. With all the money Perot had and all the air time he purchased, he not only lost; he didn’t even come close. All Perot did was take conservative votes away from Bush to result in a Clinton win. If Johnson takes just 6% of the vote, it will result in a win for Obama. I seriously doubt Johnson will take more than that.

LTD is correct when he says the Libertarians need to concentrate their campaign efforts in gaining seats at the lower levels. To make themselves a viable third party, they need to run for and win state legislative seats; then run for Congressional seats before concentrating their efforts on the White House.

Perot was actually close to winning it...If it wasn't for him dropping out when the GOP tried to spoil his daughter's wedding and re-entering afterwards, he probably would've won. Yeah you're right, they need to build up and elect more office holders locally, I mean we may have the billionaire to vote in for President, but there's lots of alternatives in other offices. We have James Camp for District 30, David Staples for Public Service Commission, Gary Johnson for President...Even though he didn't have any opponents to my knowledge, Brett Bittner got elected in Cobb County for School board this year. :) Ross Perot didn't take it away from Bush, he took it away from himself, he was a TERRIBLE president.

Double L, just curious but were you of voting age when the votes that Perot got actually helped slick willy get elected?
Just curious dapandlap, why does age matter? Really, who cares if I was of age or not? Who gives a rip if I am of age or not now? Not to sound like a total douchebag, but why does it matter?
LibertarianLegend said:
Just curious dapandlap, why does age matter? Really, who cares if I was of age or not? Who gives a rip if I am of age or not now? Not to sound like a total douchebag, but why does it matter?

If I asked the question I probabaly have a reason for asking, not to sound like a total douchebag, but it has been proven that the human brain does not reach full development in the rational thinking area until after the age of 25.
ROFL! Age is just a number, some people mature faster than others..."It has been proven" by who? George Bush was 60-something probably when he was in office, was his brain in full development? Probably not. *rolls eyes*
Usually as one ages one aquires wisdom.
Folks who have worked for a living longer than today's college aged children have been breathing on this planet, have a complete different perspective on reality over ideals in such an important election.
dapandlap said:
Usually as one ages one aquires wisdom.
Folks who have worked for a living longer than today's college aged children have been breathing on this planet, have a complete different perspective on reality over ideals in such an important election.

Have you ever heard that "realism" is pessimism? People such as Gordon Ramsay, Thomas Jefferson, even Galileo have had the same perspective of reality, they stuck to their passion regardless of what anybody else thought at the time, and you know what happened? They became successful!
LibertarianLegend said:
dapandlap said:
Usually as one ages one aquires wisdom.
Folks who have worked for a living longer than today's college aged children have been breathing on this planet, have a complete different perspective on reality over ideals in such an important election.

Have you ever heard that "realism" is pessimism? People such as Gordon Ramsay, Thomas Jefferson, even Galileo have had the same perspective of reality, they stuck to their passion regardless of what anybody else thought at the time, and you know what happened? They became successful!

I agree with you we should all strive to reach our goals in life, and in case you haven't noticed a conservative is very close to a libertarian, where they both are right of the liberal left.
That being said at this point in this election cycle we should work together to defeat the progressive liberal left.
Gov. Johnson has NO chance in this election and any votes for him is a vote that Gov. Romney will not get. which will negate the same number of votes that do go in Romney's favor. Meaning Romney will have fewer votes in comparison to 0bummer's.
Reality is in the upcoming November vote we will need to choose from the two candidates that have a chance, if you must then choose the lesser of the two evils.
Gov. Johnson DOES NOT HAVE A CHANCE, do you want four more years of the socialists we have now?
LibertarianLegend said:
lotstodo said:
Johnson's stand on personal liberty is far different from either of the other two candidates. His record on small government across the board is way better than either Barry or Mittens. It isn't even a contest, but that isn't the contest that will decide the future of our government. He simply isn't going to win, influence the platform of any party or institution that holds any power in Washington, or influence popular thought in the nation about civil liberties. The contest that will count will be between Romney and Obama. I would do just as well voting for myself, a man with whom I fully agree, as voting for Johnson. The result on November 6 would be exactly the same. I've tilted at a few windmills in my day, but this is one that I'll ride by in favor of attacking the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, the entity I view as the most immediate enemy of the welfare and liberty of the people.

There is a difference because Johnson is on the ballot in 47 states and actually has enough to win, why don't we try, and shift our attention from Bush 3.0 to someone that'd actually do very well in office and do what the people of our country want??? Why would we want to kiss up to the GOP bullies for the 4th time? We should support Johnson like you're supporting Romney such as getting bumper stickers and putting out yard signs and spreading the word, it would make a HUGE difference. Which do you want? The big black bully taking our liberties away, a multi-billionaire taking liberties away, or someone that's for liberty and has the best economic policy?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. What I "want" is of absolutely no consequence here because what I "want" is not achievable at this point in time. It just isn't. Johnson cannot win, period, end quote. That is a pipe dream. I have statistically the very same chance as Johnson even though I am not on any ballot and he is. I'm old enough that my wants don't hurt me. Now what I "need" is for Obama to leave the Office of President of the United States. I need that desperately. We all do. Obama with more flexibility scares the spit out of me and as a Libertarian, it should you too. I will do the absolute best thing I can possibly do to achieve that need. I will not play the lottery here, I will bet with the house because that is how I will get Barack Obama out of Washington. They say that politics make strange bed fellows for a reason. Sometimes adults have to do things they don't necessarily like to move forward even if that move is not the great leap they wish for. Forward is better than backward even if it is baby steps. Right now baby steps are all that is reasonably achievable.

I sincerely hope that your generation is able to succeed where we failed. I hope that by 2040 there is a strong and vibrant Libertarian party. The unfortunate truth is that there isn't in 2012. Our choices are between Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, or tilting at windmills. If you so choose, tilt away. I certainly can't fault you for it. We all did it. We all admire passion.

In the meantime I would recommend that every young person, no matter their political leanings, study some of the writings on Realpolitik. Henry Kissenger was a master at the art of splitting dogma from policy and achieving what was necessary if not what was the most desirable. His diplomacy with China over Vietnam and later his trade talks with them and Hong Kong were textbook examples, and as a matter of fact he literally wrote the textbook which I believe everyone should read. If nothing else it will help you seperate the want from the need in your own mind. In everything, don't settle for the Wiki version. Learn from the original source even if that means picking up a book or two, or listening to the people who were actually there. There is a lot of misinformation out there along with a lot of opinion masquerading as fact. The internet age is both a blessing and a curse in that you have instant access to suspect information on every subject in the universe.
lotstodo said:
LibertarianLegend said:
lotstodo said:
Johnson's stand on personal liberty is far different from either of the other two candidates. His record on small government across the board is way better than either Barry or Mittens. It isn't even a contest, but that isn't the contest that will decide the future of our government. He simply isn't going to win, influence the platform of any party or institution that holds any power in Washington, or influence popular thought in the nation about civil liberties. The contest that will count will be between Romney and Obama. I would do just as well voting for myself, a man with whom I fully agree, as voting for Johnson. The result on November 6 would be exactly the same. I've tilted at a few windmills in my day, but this is one that I'll ride by in favor of attacking the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, the entity I view as the most immediate enemy of the welfare and liberty of the people.

There is a difference because Johnson is on the ballot in 47 states and actually has enough to win, why don't we try, and shift our attention from Bush 3.0 to someone that'd actually do very well in office and do what the people of our country want??? Why would we want to kiss up to the GOP bullies for the 4th time? We should support Johnson like you're supporting Romney such as getting bumper stickers and putting out yard signs and spreading the word, it would make a HUGE difference. Which do you want? The big black bully taking our liberties away, a multi-billionaire taking liberties away, or someone that's for liberty and has the best economic policy?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. What I "want" is of absolutely no consequence here because what I "want" is not achievable at this point in time. It just isn't. Johnson cannot win, period, end quote. That is a pipe dream. I have statistically the very same chance as Johnson even though I am not on any ballot and he is. I'm old enough that my wants don't hurt me. Now what I "need" is for Obama to leave the Office of President of the United States. I need that desperately. We all do. Obama with more flexibility scares the spit out of me and as a Libertarian, it should you too. I will do the absolute best thing I can possibly do to achieve that need. I will not play the lottery here, I will bet with the house because that is how I will get Barack Obama out of Washington. They say that politics make strange bed fellows for a reason. Sometimes adults have to do things they don't necessarily like to move forward even if that move is not the great leap they wish for. Forward is better than backward even if it is baby steps. Right now baby steps are all that is reasonably achievable.

I sincerely hope that your generation is able to succeed where we failed. I hope that by 2040 there is a strong and vibrant Libertarian party. The unfortunate truth is that there isn't in 2012. Our choices are between Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, or tilting at windmills. If you so choose, tilt away. I certainly can't fault you for it. We all did it. We all admire passion.

In the meantime I would recommend that every young person, no matter their political leanings, study some of the writings on Realpolitik. Henry Kissenger was a master at the art of splitting dogma from policy and achieving what was necessary if not what was the most desirable. His diplomacy with China over Vietnam and later his trade talks with them and Hong Kong were textbook examples, and as a matter of fact he literally wrote the textbook which I believe everyone should read. If nothing else it will help you seperate the want from the need in your own mind. In everything, don't settle for the Wiki version. Learn from the original source even if that means picking up a book or two, or listening to the people who were actually there. There is a lot of misinformation out there along with a lot of opinion masquerading as fact. The internet age is both a blessing and a curse in that you have instant access to suspect information on every subject in the universe.

Well stated my friend.

I wanted to me Sheriff on my first day here, but I was told I needed to give it a week or two....

.....then they laughed their fannies off! :tapfoot2
lotstodo said:
LibertarianLegend said:
lotstodo said:
Johnson's stand on personal liberty is far different from either of the other two candidates. His record on small government across the board is way better than either Barry or Mittens. It isn't even a contest, but that isn't the contest that will decide the future of our government. He simply isn't going to win, influence the platform of any party or institution that holds any power in Washington, or influence popular thought in the nation about civil liberties. The contest that will count will be between Romney and Obama. I would do just as well voting for myself, a man with whom I fully agree, as voting for Johnson. The result on November 6 would be exactly the same. I've tilted at a few windmills in my day, but this is one that I'll ride by in favor of attacking the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, the entity I view as the most immediate enemy of the welfare and liberty of the people.

There is a difference because Johnson is on the ballot in 47 states and actually has enough to win, why don't we try, and shift our attention from Bush 3.0 to someone that'd actually do very well in office and do what the people of our country want??? Why would we want to kiss up to the GOP bullies for the 4th time? We should support Johnson like you're supporting Romney such as getting bumper stickers and putting out yard signs and spreading the word, it would make a HUGE difference. Which do you want? The big black bully taking our liberties away, a multi-billionaire taking liberties away, or someone that's for liberty and has the best economic policy?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. What I "want" is of absolutely no consequence here because what I "want" is not achievable at this point in time. It just isn't. Johnson cannot win, period, end quote. That is a pipe dream. I have statistically the very same chance as Johnson even though I am not on any ballot and he is. I'm old enough that my wants don't hurt me. Now what I "need" is for Obama to leave the Office of President of the United States. I need that desperately. We all do. Obama with more flexibility scares the spit out of me and as a Libertarian, it should you too. I will do the absolute best thing I can possibly do to achieve that need. I will not play the lottery here, I will bet with the house because that is how I will get Barack Obama out of Washington. They say that politics make strange bed fellows for a reason. Sometimes adults have to do things they don't necessarily like to move forward even if that move is not the great leap they wish for. Forward is better than backward even if it is baby steps. Right now baby steps are all that is reasonably achievable.

I sincerely hope that your generation is able to succeed where we failed. I hope that by 2040 there is a strong and vibrant Libertarian party. The unfortunate truth is that there isn't in 2012. Our choices are between Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, or tilting at windmills. If you so choose, tilt away. I certainly can't fault you for it. We all did it. We all admire passion.

In the meantime I would recommend that every young person, no matter their political leanings, study some of the writings on Realpolitik. Henry Kissenger was a master at the art of splitting dogma from policy and achieving what was necessary if not what was the most desirable. His diplomacy with China over Vietnam and later his trade talks with them and Hong Kong were textbook examples, and as a matter of fact he literally wrote the textbook which I believe everyone should read. If nothing else it will help you seperate the want from the need in your own mind. In everything, don't settle for the Wiki version. Learn from the original source even if that means picking up a book or two, or listening to the people who were actually there. There is a lot of misinformation out there along with a lot of opinion masquerading as fact. The internet age is both a blessing and a curse in that you have instant access to suspect information on every subject in the universe.

Saying you can't do something in general is absolute pessimism to the max. Need and want pretty much has some of the same meanings in the political world. Let's go into a pretend scenario, shall we, yes? Let's imagine an America with most of its stores carrying only the two competing one dollar brand of stain cleaner that's results either makes your stained shirt A. even worse, B. Shows no result. What about the 6% of stores in America that carry the high quality brand that shows fast results and better quality? Would you choose one of the dollar brands, Bland or Ahhh! because "everyone else gets them" or would you go out of your way to choose the high quality brand because it is true results? What I'm saying is if we don't start taking risks at the voting booths, a third party president nor real change will EVER HAPPEN. Not being able to think outside and choose based on principle and not on the buddy system and numbers mean that humanity in general has weakened within the past couple of decades. Today, most of society thinks "We can't do anything about it" and then votes for either one of the two Establishment Goldman Sucks puppets to fester things up even more? Most people have pretty much given up on voting for true values is what I'm hearing on this web site. From what I'm hearing Is this what we want? Is this what we need? Romney = Obama.
LibertarianLegend said:
lotstodo said:
LibertarianLegend said:
lotstodo said:
Johnson's stand on personal liberty is far different from either of the other two candidates. His record on small government across the board is way better than either Barry or Mittens. It isn't even a contest, but that isn't the contest that will decide the future of our government. He simply isn't going to win, influence the platform of any party or institution that holds any power in Washington, or influence popular thought in the nation about civil liberties. The contest that will count will be between Romney and Obama. I would do just as well voting for myself, a man with whom I fully agree, as voting for Johnson. The result on November 6 would be exactly the same. I've tilted at a few windmills in my day, but this is one that I'll ride by in favor of attacking the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, the entity I view as the most immediate enemy of the welfare and liberty of the people.

There is a difference because Johnson is on the ballot in 47 states and actually has enough to win, why don't we try, and shift our attention from Bush 3.0 to someone that'd actually do very well in office and do what the people of our country want??? Why would we want to kiss up to the GOP bullies for the 4th time? We should support Johnson like you're supporting Romney such as getting bumper stickers and putting out yard signs and spreading the word, it would make a HUGE difference. Which do you want? The big black bully taking our liberties away, a multi-billionaire taking liberties away, or someone that's for liberty and has the best economic policy?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. What I "want" is of absolutely no consequence here because what I "want" is not achievable at this point in time. It just isn't. Johnson cannot win, period, end quote. That is a pipe dream. I have statistically the very same chance as Johnson even though I am not on any ballot and he is. I'm old enough that my wants don't hurt me. Now what I "need" is for Obama to leave the Office of President of the United States. I need that desperately. We all do. Obama with more flexibility scares the spit out of me and as a Libertarian, it should you too. I will do the absolute best thing I can possibly do to achieve that need. I will not play the lottery here, I will bet with the house because that is how I will get Barack Obama out of Washington. They say that politics make strange bed fellows for a reason. Sometimes adults have to do things they don't necessarily like to move forward even if that move is not the great leap they wish for. Forward is better than backward even if it is baby steps. Right now baby steps are all that is reasonably achievable.

I sincerely hope that your generation is able to succeed where we failed. I hope that by 2040 there is a strong and vibrant Libertarian party. The unfortunate truth is that there isn't in 2012. Our choices are between Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, or tilting at windmills. If you so choose, tilt away. I certainly can't fault you for it. We all did it. We all admire passion.

In the meantime I would recommend that every young person, no matter their political leanings, study some of the writings on Realpolitik. Henry Kissenger was a master at the art of splitting dogma from policy and achieving what was necessary if not what was the most desirable. His diplomacy with China over Vietnam and later his trade talks with them and Hong Kong were textbook examples, and as a matter of fact he literally wrote the textbook which I believe everyone should read. If nothing else it will help you seperate the want from the need in your own mind. In everything, don't settle for the Wiki version. Learn from the original source even if that means picking up a book or two, or listening to the people who were actually there. There is a lot of misinformation out there along with a lot of opinion masquerading as fact. The internet age is both a blessing and a curse in that you have instant access to suspect information on every subject in the universe.

Saying you can't do something in general is absolute pessimism to the max. Need and want pretty much has some of the same meanings in the political world. Let's go into a pretend scenario, shall we, yes? Let's imagine an America with most of its stores carrying only the two competing one dollar brand of stain cleaner that's results either makes your stained shirt A. even worse, B. Shows no result. What about the 6% of stores in America that carry the high quality brand that shows fast results and better quality? Would you choose one of the dollar brands, Bland or Ahhh! because "everyone else gets them" or would you go out of your way to choose the high quality brand because it is true results? What I'm saying is if we don't start taking risks at the voting booths, a third party president nor real change will EVER HAPPEN. Not being able to think outside and choose based on principle and not on the buddy system and numbers mean that humanity in general has weakened within the past couple of decades. Today, most of society thinks "We can't do anything about it" and then votes for either one of the two Establishment Goldman Sucks puppets to fester things up even more? Most people have pretty much given up on voting for true values is what I'm hearing on this web site. From what I'm hearing Is this what we want? Is this what we need? Romney = Obama.
No one has given up on voting for true values here. We just have sense enough to know there are only two choices in this election and Obama is leading us into Socialism. You would do well to listen to Lotstodo. He is a wise cookie!
I'm very sure he's a wise guy in real life, but I'm not going to take part in Puppet vs. Puppet again. I did that with Bush in 2004, and I did it with Obama in 2008...Not going there again. Both parties made all these promises that they were going to end the wars, cut the deficit, etc. Did that happen? No! I will say though, if it was Ron Paul that got the Republican nomination, I would have chosen to support him in the general election. Romney is a flip-flopper on issues...If he or Obama gets voted in, let me flip flop it for ya, We are the ones who don't have a chance in hades. If Romney would keep his mouth shut and keep the same values he had in other interviews, maybe I'd support him. I'm ready for NDAA and Patriot Act to be gone!
LibertarianLegend said:
I'm very sure he's a wise guy in real life, but I'm not going to take part in Puppet vs. Puppet again. I did that with Bush in 2004, and I did it with Obama in 2008...Not going there again. Both parties made all these promises that they were going to end the wars, cut the deficit, etc. Did that happen? No! I will say though, if it was Ron Paul that got the Republican nomination, I would have chosen to support him in the general election. Romney is a flip-flopper on issues...If he or Obama gets voted in, let me flip flop it for ya, We are the ones who don't have a chance in hades. If Romney would keep his mouth shut and keep the same values he had in other interviews, maybe I'd support him. I'm ready for NDAA and Patriot Act to be gone!

By chance have you ever studied the old Soviet Union? Because if Obama is NOT beaten in November, we will end up that way ....if there is not an armed upraising.

You will work where you are told to. You will live where you are told to. You will drive what you are provided or take public transportation when told to. You will not be able to buy any personal property or draw a paycheck that you can cash and spend at the strip club on Friday night, or how ever you want. The internet and all media will be controlled by the state. And you will wear the cloths given you and not what you want to buy.

I do not how to make it any more clearer to you where we are headed. Only one person will win this election. And wishing all you want will not make it happen! You are not going to change anyone minds here with your fantasy wishes. It's time to listen to others who have experienced this many times and are far wiser in how the "real world" works.

Your thinking will guarantee an Obama win. Wake up and listen to what we are ALL trying to tell you!
Winchester said:
LibertarianLegend said:
I'm very sure he's a wise guy in real life, but I'm not going to take part in Puppet vs. Puppet again. I did that with Bush in 2004, and I did it with Obama in 2008...Not going there again. Both parties made all these promises that they were going to end the wars, cut the deficit, etc. Did that happen? No! I will say though, if it was Ron Paul that got the Republican nomination, I would have chosen to support him in the general election. Romney is a flip-flopper on issues...If he or Obama gets voted in, let me flip flop it for ya, We are the ones who don't have a chance in hades. If Romney would keep his mouth shut and keep the same values he had in other interviews, maybe I'd support him. I'm ready for NDAA and Patriot Act to be gone!

By chance have you ever studied the old Soviet Union? Because if Obama is NOT beaten in November, we will end up that way ....if there is not an armed upraising.

You will work where you are told to. You will live where you are told to. You will drive what you are provided or take public transportation when told to. You will not be able to buy any personal property or draw a paycheck that you can cash and spend at the strip club on Friday night, or how ever you want. The internet and all media will be controlled by the state. And you will wear the cloths given you and not what you want to buy.

I do not how to make it any more clearer to you where we are headed. Only one person will win this election. And wishing all you want will not make it happen! You are not going to change anyone minds here with your fantasy wishes. It's time to listen to others who have experienced this many times and are far wiser in how the "real world" works.

Your thinking will guarantee an Obama win. Wake up and listen to what we are ALL trying to tell you!

Either way, "Obama" will win it. I don't see anything "fantasy" about it, I don't wish at all, what I tell is the truth. Around 2004 when much of Paulding supported Bush, almost nobody believed the housing market was going to crash in the future, but 4 years later we learned the hard way. I've studied the Soviet Union, yes, of course! I know what you're trying to say, but again "realism" is pessimism! Ok, why don't we elect Romney and see where we are in 2016, then if Obama comes back to save the day and you don't like Romney's performance in office, what exactly are you going to do?
Winchester said:
LibertarianLegend said:
I'm very sure he's a wise guy in real life, but I'm not going to take part in Puppet vs. Puppet again. I did that with Bush in 2004, and I did it with Obama in 2008...Not going there again. Both parties made all these promises that they were going to end the wars, cut the deficit, etc. Did that happen? No! I will say though, if it was Ron Paul that got the Republican nomination, I would have chosen to support him in the general election. Romney is a flip-flopper on issues...If he or Obama gets voted in, let me flip flop it for ya, We are the ones who don't have a chance in hades. If Romney would keep his mouth shut and keep the same values he had in other interviews, maybe I'd support him. I'm ready for NDAA and Patriot Act to be gone!

By chance have you ever studied the old Soviet Union? Because if Obama is NOT beaten in November, we will end up that way ....if there is not an armed upraising.

You will work where you are told to. You will live where you are told to. You will drive what you are provided or take public transportation when told to. You will not be able to buy any personal property or draw a paycheck that you can cash and spend at the strip club on Friday night, or how ever you want. The internet and all media will be controlled by the state. And you will wear the cloths given you and not what you want to buy.

I do not how to make it any more clearer to you where we are headed. Only one person will win this election. And wishing all you want will not make it happen! You are not going to change anyone minds here with your fantasy wishes. It's time to listen to others who have experienced this many times and are far wiser in how the "real world" works.

Your thinking will guarantee an Obama win. Wake up and listen to what we are ALL trying to tell you!
I'm beginning to believe that LL is actually a Liberal and not a Libertarian.
Ya know the old wolf in sheep's clothing, with the goal of trying to persuade a few conservatives to vote for 0bummer by voting for Johnson.
Yea, DAP I'm thinking LL doesn't get it and he's pushing the envelope for Obama. A liberal in Libertarian clothing I think. :D
naturegirl said:
Yea, DAP I'm thinking LL doesn't get it and he's pushing the envelope for Obama. A liberal in Libertarian clothing I think. :D

The way a third party vote goes is that it would not only lower the percentage of votes for Romney, but also Obama. A person earlier suggested that 30% are permanently for Romney, as well as 30% for Obama and mentioned the 40% undecided/swingers. If the campaign targeted the 40% the most, then bam! more votes for Johnson and he would win the election! A liberal in Libertarian clothing? Are you kidding me? If I was a liberal and wanted corporate fascism, I'd vote for Obama or Romney, because they both sound like GRAND choices for that type of audience. I'm SICK of the two party system...Just ask the average tax payer, and I'm sure most of them, they'll give you the same answer. They are sick of having to pay higher taxes every year with Bush AND Obama...We've already tried the Bush type route guys, and we've tried Obama as well...If Thomas Jefferson, if I could bring him back via a hologram, would you call him an idiot for saying the same thing? If our past presidents were still alive to this day, they would slap the crap out of Bush, they would slap the crap out of Obama, and they would slap the crap out of Romney.
The principle everyone should be voting for in this election is getting Obama out of office. the only way to do that is to vote for Romney. LL face the facts, Johnson doesn't have a snowball's chance in winning. Romney does.