FREE Gary Johnson Bumper Stickers & Signs


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I got some bumper stickers and signs to give away to you folks, if you would like to have one, please email me at I only have 3 signs left, but I have a LOT of bumper stickers. Thanks!
No thanks. I believe anyone who votes for a third party candidate this election is helping Obama. It's much more important to vote him out of office.
Who is Gary Johnson? Seriously, I've never heard of him. :dunno :dunno
Madea said:
I appreciate our resolve, but we have a president to defeat.

Exactly and he won't be defeated if a Libertarian candidate who hasn't a snowball's chance in Hades is taking votes away from Romney. It's a fact.
I swear when I read the title of this thread I thought Gary Johnson was locked up somewhere and needed to be freed. :faint

No thanks, Romney has my vote. :)
naturegirl said:
I swear when I read the title of this thread I thought Gary Johnson was locked up somewhere and needed to be freed. :faint

No thanks, Romney has my vote. :)
Stellarvore said:
can you show us a picture of the bumper stickers? I have a Ron Paul Revolution one, I might want a Gary Johnson one. Even if I swallow my vomit and vote Romney, I'll always share with people what I support...and that ain't the mainstream GOP anymore.
Well said.

I love Johnson, but a vote for Johnson is a vote for Obama at this point. i wish we didn't have a two party system in politics just like I wish that bacon was good for you, but alas, this is not to be, at least not in my lifetime. If you are an idealist, vote for Johnson. if you are a realist, vote for either Obama or Romney.

Realpolitik- Politics or diplomacy based primarily on power and on practical and material factors and considerations, rather than ideological notions or moralistic or ethical premises.

Always make your next best move to achieve the best outcome available at the time. President Gary Johnson is no longer an available outcome. Even though I voted for Johnson in the primary, I must now vote for Romney because he is the best move available. The fix was in, it was Romney's turn, and the Republicans are now realizing that their stubbornness in rewarding a good soldier may have just cost them the race and the American people their country. Rome was neither built or destroyed in a day. Let's not give Obama eight years to do the deconstruction which is obviously his goal.
I've heard him speak at the debates. He's probably a cool dude with a few good ideas, but I hear him talk, you'd think he was just suddenly woken up in the middle of the night and doesn't have a clue what planet he's on. :eek:

The only way I see a viable third party to being established is if the GOP has a split and half or close to half the elected GOP members of Congress go with the new conservative party. We see good conservatives run for office who believe the GOP has pretty much corrupted itself for power. They want to see the GOP go back to true conservative values as those that were made in the Contract With America that Gingrich was responsible for. However, they get shut down by those idiots in the GOP who are only concerned about the GOP having the majority in both houses of Congress and having the WH.

I have news for them, they're not going to get there if they continue doing business the way they're doing and if they don't get back to what true conservatism is. It's the old established GOP members who are ruining the GOP.
I read an article this AM. I too have hoped for at least three parties since before I could vote ... my dad always said until there are more than two choices there are no true choices ...still has not happened. I always thought it would happen in my lifetime… but instead it has gotten worse with both parties becoming even more alike…spend and regulate, spend and regulate.

I read many of the comments and one stood out…and I get his point … I just don’t think he understands the evil behind 0bama and his progressive socialist bend: look at his circle of friends… Saul Alinski , Bill Ayres, Frank Marshal Davis, Tony Resko, Valerie Jarrett, Jeremiah Wright, and Acorn types… and too many others but you get the point

From the comments:

• Without Ron Paul at the top of their ticket, the GOP never had our vote to begin with. They knew that going into the primaries, we will never compromise. The reason our Republic is crumbling is due to compromise. We warned the GOP, if they nominated another RINO Neo-Con they'd get a re-play of '08. They had the chance to nominate a Constitutionalist and they spat in his face & committed fraud against his campaign and his delegates. So now, left with the choice between a Fascist and a Fascist, I've decided to vote Constitution Party; again.

From the article

Ryan: Unless you want to re-elect Obama 'Don't vote for Ron Paul'

I get it. You're a strict constructionist, you want staunch adherence to the founding principles, and you only see one candidate who's got a track record that's 100% Constitution, 100% of the time. Believe me, I honestly admire that.

There's not a true conservative out there who doesn't agree with the overwhelming majority of your positions and isn't supremely frustrated with the GOP's constant diversion from them. That you want to "stick to your guns" and vote your conscience is admirable.

However, this just isn't the year.
Honestly, why would a third party vote help Obama? I don't get it, madames and sirs??? People vote for Gary Johnson because they want to vote for Gary Johnson which includes values and principles that neither Obama or Romney have. Think about it as a "Who do you most believe in?" game and not a numbers game...I mean Johnson wants to abolish the IRS and implement the Fair Tax...We've been saying "This isn't the year" for over a century now, now is finally the time. The question is, "Do you want to help your country?", "Do you want to help future generations thrive better than we will?", "Do you want freedom for your kids in the future?"...We've been riding the slide called "We have this person to beat" without looking into true values for a long time now. If Romney gets elected, think about it, we'll be thinking the same thing in 2016. It's time to get over what the media is trying to persuade you to, and besides Johnson will be on the direct ballot in all 50 states.
Grey Colson said:
I've heard him speak at the debates. He's probably a cool dude with a few good ideas, but I hear him talk, you'd think he was just suddenly woken up in the middle of the night and doesn't have a clue what planet he's on. :eek:


His voice doesn't matter, it's the ideas that count. We need a man that will repeal NDAA and Patriot Act. Obama AND Romney, they just don't cut it for me, sorry.
LisaC said:
Who is Gary Johnson? Seriously, I've never heard of him. :dunno :dunno

He was governor of New Mexico between 1995-2003, and not only did he win in a Democratic 2-1 state, when he was governor he turned a billion dollar deficit into a billion dollar surplus, and was known as the most popular governor of the 1990's. He cut spending by a huge percent, that's not something we can say about Deal or Purdue over here. is his website, take a look into his platform...We need to cut the crap in Washington and bring TRUE change...
LibertarianLegend said:
Honestly, why would a third party vote help Obama? I don't get it, madames and sirs??? People vote for Gary Johnson because they want to vote for Gary Johnson which includes values and principles that neither Obama or Romney have. Think about it as a "Who do you most believe in?" game and not a numbers game...I mean Johnson wants to abolish the IRS and implement the Fair Tax...We've been saying "This isn't the year" for over a century now, now is finally the time. The question is, "Do you want to help your country?", "Do you want to help future generations thrive better than we will?", "Do you want freedom for your kids in the future?"...We've been riding the slide called "We have this person to beat" without looking into true values for a long time now. If Romney gets elected, think about it, we'll be thinking the same thing in 2016. It's time to get over what the media is trying to persuade you to, and besides Johnson will be on the direct ballot in all 50 states.

I doubt anyone here will argue your point. We understand you think your candidate "could" win. We all thought OUR candidate would win also. I still support Newt but I will vote for Romney. Why? because there are only 2 possible candidates that have a chance of winning this election, plain and simple. Any vote NOT for Romney is the same as a vote FOR Obama.

In this election you really only have 2 choices, beat Obama or re-elect Obama (man I hate typing that word). Too few people have even heard of Johnson, much less know anything about him. To beat obummer, the next candidate will have to have every vote possible. That's why we say that a vote for anyone other then Romney is a vote for Obummer. Like it or not, that is our choice!
Foxmeister said:
Madea said:
I appreciate our resolve, but we have a president to defeat.

Exactly and he won't be defeated if a Libertarian candidate who hasn't a snowball's chance in Hades is taking votes away from Romney. It's a fact.

LMAO Are you joking? I swear I have NEVER heard something that sounded this stupid in years. How does a candidate lose votes to another candidate? Then you might as well say Obama's taking votes away from Romney, Duhhrr... People vote third party for a reason REGARDLESS of who is running, because we're sick of it, and we don't want it to continue.
LibertarianLegend said:
Foxmeister said:
Madea said:
I appreciate our resolve, but we have a president to defeat.

Exactly and he won't be defeated if a Libertarian candidate who hasn't a snowball's chance in Hades is taking votes away from Romney. It's a fact.

LMAO Are you joking? I swear I have NEVER heard something that sounded this stupid in years. How does a candidate lose votes to another candidate? Then you might as well say Obama's taking votes away from Romney, Duhhrr... People vote third party for a reason REGARDLESS of who is running, because we're sick of it, and we don't want it to continue.

If you think that's stupid, then you aren't paying attention. Obama is pulling 46% and has the most dismal presidential record I've ever seen. Johnson won't get those votes. There's 54% left and he won't get enough of those to make a difference. Obama wins.

If you believe Johnson has a chance in Hades, then by all means, cast your vote. Just remember, it'll be that attitude that has us living as socialists next year.
Winchester said:
LibertarianLegend said:
Honestly, why would a third party vote help Obama? I don't get it, madames and sirs??? People vote for Gary Johnson because they want to vote for Gary Johnson which includes values and principles that neither Obama or Romney have. Think about it as a "Who do you most believe in?" game and not a numbers game...I mean Johnson wants to abolish the IRS and implement the Fair Tax...We've been saying "This isn't the year" for over a century now, now is finally the time. The question is, "Do you want to help your country?", "Do you want to help future generations thrive better than we will?", "Do you want freedom for your kids in the future?"...We've been riding the slide called "We have this person to beat" without looking into true values for a long time now. If Romney gets elected, think about it, we'll be thinking the same thing in 2016. It's time to get over what the media is trying to persuade you to, and besides Johnson will be on the direct ballot in all 50 states.

I doubt anyone here will argue your point. We understand you think your candidate "could" win. We all thought OUR candidate would win also. I still support Newt but I will vote for Romney. Why? because there are only 2 possible candidates that have a chance of winning this election, plain and simple. Any vote NOT for Romney is the same as a vote FOR Obama.

In this election you really only have 2 choices, beat Obama or re-elect Obama (man I hate typing that word). Too few people have even heard of Johnson, much less know anything about him. To beat obummer, the next candidate will have to have every vote possible. That's why we say that a vote for anyone other then Romney is a vote for Obummer. Like it or not, that is our choice!

Gary Johnson does have a chance of winning, it's not a matter of what I think, it's a matter of true statistic. He does have a chance of winning, because he will be on the ballot in 50 states come this November. The only thing cutting him short of being a true challenger is the media is masking the other two candidate that hold enough states to win (whom would be yes, Gary Johnson, and also Green Party's Jill Stein) and the debate commission is too busy having fun with their little game of monopoly with the Repubs and Demos, which is why Johnson and Gray is suing, (They are suing because of anti-trust, that they should be in the debates as well). Ever since then, the YWCA has dropped their sponsorship of the Debates What the media tells you about the two candidates that they are the only choices, is what they want you to believe. They want to change your opinion with corruption and lies, people need to start thinking for themselves and doing REAL research. I don't even watch the news as much anymore because most of it starts with "Critics say" or "Some people say" or "Experts say", and a big portion of it comes out with no proof to back them up. We ALL? We ALL? ALL means EVERY PERSON. You don't see me supporting corrupt Obamney? You don't see me supporting a candidate that supports Patriot Act or NDAA or even ONE SLIVER of Obamacare.

It'll be that attitude that makes us live as socialists next year? Look, if enough people "waste their vote", Johnson will become president... I don't know why I'm arguing about Obama because Gary Johnson has nothing to do with Obama, he has nothing to do with Romney, other than the fact that he is running ON DIRECT BALLOT against both of them. Johnson WILL get at least a portion of those votes because believe it or not, Obama's supporters in 2008 voted for Obama because they wanted TRUE CHANGE. Did it happen? Oh hell no, it didn't. People today just want freedom, they just want equal rights, let the poor be equal to the rich in rights, it's how our founding fathers wanted it to be. I am paying attention, Obama is a terrible president, but I'm not supporting Romney because other than the fact that he is not a gun grabber, he agrees on just about everything with Obama. If you think Romney is much different from Obama economically, you are delusional. People vote for Gary Johnson, because they want to vote for Gary Johnson. I don't like Romney, I don't like Obama.
LibertarianLegend said:
People today just want freedom, they just want equal rights, let the poor be equal to the rich in rights, it's how our founding fathers wanted it to be. I am paying attention, Obama is a terrible president, but I'm not supporting Romney because other than the fact that he is not a gun grabber, he agrees on just about everything with Obama. If you think Romney is much different from Obama economically, you are delusional. People vote for Gary Johnson, because they want to vote for Gary Johnson. I don't like Romney, I don't like Obama.

We are teetering on an edge where the majority DO NOT want true freedom. That's what we are battling. They've been fed a load of crap and they believe it.

And, if you continue to call me stupid and delusional I just won't discuss this with you anymore. My mind is made up. I'm doing what I believe is best for my country and my family.