When it rains it pours


God, Family, and Country!!!
Staff member
I recently purchased a 2019 F250 and love it. I got it from a local Ford dealership which I haven’t dealt with before. Within the the first week I noticed a small problem and took it in for repair. Without going into detail of the issue I left the vehicle with them a few days then picked it up while I waited for the fuel pump which they ordered to come in. I thought it was odd that one wouldn’t be readily available but I digress. Anyway, I called to check on the status last Friday and was told the part was in so I scheduled the work to be done today and dropped the truck off last night...Monday night....Labor Day night. I called to check on it today...and...and...and...was told the part was not in. Not only was the part not in but that it was on back order and it would be Oct before delivery. Mind you, the person I was originally dealing with was the service manager, the same guy who last week said the part was, the same guy who today said now October. I go back up to get my truck and again talk with the same guy. He again apologized for the mix up and assured me it would get taken care of and under warranty. Afterwards I called another local Ford dealership’s service department which actually did confirm the story so at least I felt better knowing my new friend at the original dealership wasn’t lying. It’s not an urgent matter, the truck runs and runs well, it just sometimes has a weird long hesitation when trying to start it after recently driving it.

To add to the “great” day I come home from the gym to find out our water heater went out and was leaking. We got it turned off and drained before it became a big problem but we’re taking cold showers until tomorrow.
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My FIL had a Buick car he bought soon after my wife and started dating. It ran fine for a few months, then suddenly, you could start the car and the engine ran fine, but the moment you dropped it into Drive, the engine would die. He had it towed to the dealer and it started right up, so they said, No Fault Found. He got it back and a month later, did it again. Back to dealer, and it starts there fine. This continues for a while and finally they got it to fail at the dealer, where they determine it's a fault in the transmission, that signals the computer that their is a major failure and to stop running. However, he said it would take 2-3 weeks to order a new transmission, they'd call him when it came in.

My In-laws were about to go on a trip and needed a reliable car, and my FIL is not the most patient man, so he raised Cain, but the service manager just kept telling him there was nothing he could. My FIL stomps out to the car and drives across the street to the dealer ship and asks to see Mr Hyde the dealer. He happened to be in and after hearing the story went with my FIL to the service center. He asked the Service manager his side of it and he confirmed it was a transmission issue, and he's sorry it took so long and so many tow jobs to find it, but it would be three weeks to get the transmission to replace it. Mr Hyde then looked at the SM and said, you have 40 cars across the street with the same transmission. You will go get one of those cars, bring it here, remove the transmission from it, and place it in this gentlemen's car and you WILL have it ready by COB today so he can go on his trip safely.

My FIL picked up his car that afternoon and never had another issue with the engine stopping.

I've learned the same lesson in life. If it's important, keep going up, sooner or later you will hit somebody who is annoyed that the problem made it to his level before it was taken care of and will demand the problem be fixed.
I’m made a video clip of it and sent it to the shop manager, he said the original owner complained a few times about it but they could never duplicate it and it wasn’t throwing a code so my video helped diagnose it.
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That's all you had to say
Toyota- made trucks for the Imperial Japanese Army WW2
Nissan- made trucks and vehicles for the IJA WW2
Mitsubishi- made warplanes including the Zero's that attacked Pearl Harbor

Ford- shut down assembly lines to build tanks, trucks, vehicles, B-24's for the United States Army during WW2
GM- shut down assembly lines to build trucks, vehicles, airplane parts for the United States Army during WW2
Chrysler- built tanks for the United States Army during WW2

Full disclosure Ford, GM and Chrysler sold vehicles to the Germans pre U.S. involvement in WW2 it stopped with the U.S. entering the war.

That's all I need to know. I just can't buy anything with a Nip name. It seems treasonous and disrespectful to the great veterans who fought in the Pacific only 80 years ago. JMO.
Toyota- made trucks for the Imperial Japanese Army WW2
Nissan- made trucks and vehicles for the IJA WW2
Mitsubishi- made warplanes including the Zero's that attacked Pearl Harbor

Ford- shut down assembly lines to build tanks, trucks, vehicles, B-24's for the United States Army during WW2
GM- shut down assembly lines to build trucks, vehicles, airplane parts for the United States Army during WW2
Chrysler- built tanks for the United States Army during WW2

Full disclosure Ford, GM and Chrysler sold vehicles to the Germans pre U.S. involvement in WW2 it stopped with the U.S. entering the war.

That's all I need to know. I just can't buy anything with a Nip name. It seems treasonous and disrespectful to the great veterans who fought in the Pacific only 80 years ago. JMO.

Add to this:

Chrysler now mostly Italian owned with still some German interest.

Chrysler owns part of Mitubishi

GM Owns part of Toyota, Suzuki, and Isuzu. Their Diesel engines are Isuzu

Ford owns part of Mazda

All the "American" brands sell cars that are partly made by their Japanese partners. The RAM Promaster is a Fiat.

The "Big Three" also owns or has interest in other car brands around the globe.

I'm sure there's lots more...
That does not change the fact that companies with the name Ford, Chrysler nor GM sneak attacked, tortured, committed war crimes against, killed or imprisoned U.S. servicemen. I know of no weapons of war that any of the big three supplied the axis after we entered the war. None of who supplied it before or after knowingly to the Nip army. Who owns who in 2020 has nothing to do with historic name brands owned by war criminals profiting from the very people they committed war crimes against. I can't stop international mergers but I can refuse to buy products whose name throws it in my face that killed my countrymen. I will not buy a Hitler mobile nor a Bin Laden micro bus either. I see no difference. People are free to buy whatever from whomever and justify it however they please. They are free to do this by the way largely because of U.S. companies war production. Personally I do not buy vehicles with Japanese, Italian or German names. I did own a Yamaha when I was much younger but my later rides were made in Milwaukee. JMO