Trump vetos it

Constitutionally this is a bad move and a bad idea by DJT. For better or for worse (and recently it has been for worse) there are three branches to federal government. This creates checks and balances and deters despotism and monarchy. I voted for DJT and probably will do it again but his rich spoiled child bullying tactics do not work on those who do not depend on him for a paycheck. The art of the deal does not work on those who are as self centered and greedy as himself. Guys I am as conservative as anyone on almost all subjects including immigration but this guy needs some lessons in getting things done. I will never sacrifice the Constitution to prove my junk is bigger than yours. JMO.
In a Constitutional Republic, HOW we do things is what keeps despotism at bay. It is indeed more important than "getting things done" regardless of how you feel about the task at hand. The Constitution is not an impediment to good government.
As much as I hate to admit it, he probably should have left it as is BUT it was one of his primary campaign promises so I will not fault him acting on it. Paraphrasing from the article, Congress had the freedom to pass it and he has the duty to veto it. If true, where exactly is he wrong other than action against what some desired? If his veto was unconstitutional then let’s have more impeachment hearings. If it’s really that big of an issue then it will be overridden on March 26. We shall see.
It is not the Veto that is so dangerous it is the circumventing of checks and balances he did when he declared the emergency measure in the first place. He has the power to both declare and veto not denying that. Those powers are part of the checks and balance of the executive branch in response to the congressional and judicial branches. It is just a bad idea to use those powers without deep thought as to the consequences in future decision making by himself or whatever party may hold that office in the future. DJT comes from a world where his word is law due to the power and financial leverage he has over most people. This could be compared to a monarch or tyrant in my opinion. Our government is based on equal representation with checks and balances preventing monarchy, despotism, tyranny or dictatorship. I am very conservative but very proud of the liberal aspect of a three part government system. I am also very leery of those that choose to circumvent that system regardless if I agree with their policy or not. While I absolutely dislike pretty much all aspects of DJT personality I have agreed with most of his policy and will most likely vote for him again.
Our system is designed to adequately handle it or other similar actions by DJT or any other President by obtaining enough votes to override the veto. Regardless of the outcome, whether or not it stands, the system works as designed. DJT did his part and it was exactly what he said he would do so it should be of no surprise. The only question remaining is will lawmakers unite and override it.
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My question...

If this is such an un-constitutional thing...
WHY did nobody care when other POTUS literally
ABUSED the system???
BHO had a lot of "NE's... all but one were to support OTHER countries... at the expense of the USA.

What gives...
Why are we griping about a program that supports the USA...
When we did not gripe about the same program when it hurt the USA???

Sounds a bit hypocritical to me...
What if President Biden or Spartacus or O'Rourke declared a NE on guns and attempted to limit gun rights in an attempt to 'help the USA' from gun violence. President Biden or Spartacus or O'Rourke and their followers would most definitely believe that such a NE would benefit the US despite what any conservative thinks.

It doesn't matter if the NE helps the US or not if it is unconstitutional (I think it is). That's not how our govt is designed to work.
The precedent to declare NE's is ALREADY there...

Google (no Duckduckgo) how many NE's each previous POTUS has done...
Trump doing one more is NOT gonna change anything.

DIMS care about one thing... power...
And they have NO DEPTH they will not go to, to have the power.

Thinking one can appease a DIM by not hitting them where it hurts...
Is, IMO, just silly.

Trump's NE is gonna have to go through the courts...
And I guarantee you... ANY NE that tried to take folks guns away...
Would DIE in the courts!!!
The precedent to declare NE's is ALREADY there...

Google (no Duckduckgo) how many NE's each previous POTUS has done...

Nobody has said anything contrary to this.

It's not the fact that he issued a's the content and purpose of the NE that makes it unconstitutional (IMO).

Duly appointed AG Bill Barr seems to think it is constitutional...
SCOTUS will decide.

While we are discussing this...
HOW is defending the USA against an INVASION (which is what is happening at the southern border)...
AND from the influx of drugs, crime, sex trafficing, and a host more...
NOT constitutional???

Please explain... :)

Duly appointed AG Bill Barr seems to think it is constitutional...
SCOTUS will decide.

While we are discussing this...
HOW is defending the USA against an INVASION (which is what is happening at the southern border)...
AND from the influx of drugs, crime, sex trafficing, and a host more...
NOT constitutional???

Please explain... :)

This article explains it completely.
The SCOTUS may in fact eventually declare it unconstitutional, I’m fine with it should that be the final decision. We can merely sit back and let the system work, that’s the beauty of it. It doesn’t matter which party is in power, the system works. We may not like the outcome but regardless there will be an outcome. I wasn’t thrilled with much of BO’s bs but most went through the system.

SCOTUS can see the issues at hand...
Rather than being naively idealistic.

Destroying the country to stand on a principle...
Is just plain DUMB!

Reminds me of the days of the KKK and segregation.
As @lotstodo has pointed out before, how we do things as a country matters. The constitution matters...ignore it now and just wait to see what happens when a Democrat is President.
Part of the reason the GOP congress did not act on this earlier is they also are no fans of DJT. He is an outsider to the establishment they do not want him to succeed. Personally it is one of the reasons I voted for him in the general election. Another reason the GOP failed is the majority are hypocritical politicians who want cheap labor and need a very lower class to thrive and keep power both financially and/or politically. Add this to Paul Ryan's weak leadership and there you go. As for what other POTUS did or did not do is misdirection from the current subject. It is not about what some one else did in the past that is a ignorant school yard mentality. Right is right and wrong is wrong applied to any situation. There is no gray area regardless of what people like to think. "The truth is the hardest thing you will ever face, because you can't change the truth in the slightest way". OK I stole that from Johnny Paycheck but it is true. It is about the Constitution and the limit of powers not politics or concern over a pet project that you cannot get done through the regular channels. You will find no one who agrees with strong borders any more than me but I believe in the Constitution more. I imagine we will hear from SCOTUS before it is over. That is the way it works.
I seriously doubt (and IMO a historical search would confirm that premise)...

The DIMS are gonna be influenced to be less corrupt by the GOP being high minded about traditional rules... the Constitution.
The DIMS have ONE goal... power!

I wonder... if we did some research...
WHICH party has violated the founding documents the most...
Lets remember... violated the SPIRIT of the law... more so than the letter of the law.

Thomas Jefferson: If we degrade our country from enforcing the SPIRIT of the law, to enforcing the letter of the law... we have written our own obituary...

The SPIRIT of the law... states that POTUS has the responsibility and right to protect and defend the borders of the nation...
THAT is what is important!
Nitpicking about how he does it... is politics.

And we know where politics has gotten us over the years... :(