This Week\'s Weather

shed said:
unionmom said:

Control yourself ladies. :eek: I know what you all are saying, "that's a delicious piece of man meat". :DN
There is a lot to be said for having confidence, I just don't know what they are.
Forecasting possible snow in Richmond on Sunday. I hope it does. ;D
Sounds like it's gonna get U G L Y tonight Drivers. Ya'll stay safe & warm, 'cause it's supposed to get stinkin' cold again tomorrow! :rant
Jack Reacher said:
Sounds like it's gonna get U G L Y tonight Drivers. Ya'll stay safe & warm, 'cause it's supposed to get stinkin' cold again tomorrow! :rant

Now I read this! I just finished switching out shoes for the Spring! :BH
It's supposed to get up to 94 today. We need some serious rain.
I don't know about there, but here we are supposed to have "tropical" rain. A low grade tropical system is crossing Flordia and headed for me.