
MacDaddy said:
Fox, have you heard of a Netti pot? I've found they work wonders for general allergy stuff. You can buy them at most drug stores, little plastic ones. They have really help me and Mrs. Mac.

I have one Mac and used it last night. Good gosh it took forever before I could get it to drain out of the other nostril. I slept great last night. I think I'll use it twice a day over the weekend.
Glad to hear it helped Fox!

Little over a year ago, I developed a clogged ear. Sort of like when you have your head underwater, then come up and the water won't clear? Went to an ENT, she told me I had chronic clogged eustachian tubes. Only thing that got them clear was doing ol' Netty twice a day. These days, I do it maybe at night, or more often if I start feel a bit sinusy.

Good luck that it continues to help!!