


First my wife had it; then our daughter. Now I have it. Sore throat, cough, etc. The wife had it real bad.
Daughter and Mrs. Reacher had it at the first of the week. DR's worst day was when she had her job interview, but she pulled it off. She's my trooper!

I hope you and the fam feel better soon. :'(
I'm so sorry! You know I feel your pain. I had it 10 days before I finally realized it wouldn't go away on its own. I'm on day 4 of antibiotics, and I'm finally feeling better! I hope you do soon!
Ick. I hope you get over the hump soon.

This doesn't give me much hope ... I've been trying to convince myself that my symptoms are just an allergy, some new pollen poofing around. dagnabit
My inner ears itch and I have a runny nose, cough, and scratchy throat.
Fox, have you heard of a Netti pot? I've found they work wonders for general allergy stuff. You can buy them at most drug stores, little plastic ones. They have really help me and Mrs. Mac.