Covid is right here, and it's getting bad fast.

Out of interest...

My daughter had a full physical done today, and they gave her a list of recommended vaccines. She noticed that the COVID shot was not on there and asked them why. They responded that they can no longer recommend the COVID vaccine for anyone under 60.
Someone needs to inform the drug companies and THE MEDIA who still relentlessly and shamelessly tout the vaccines to all age groups....including babies!! Knowing how much damage they've makes me sick to see their never ending advertisements.

We all know that our government gave Pfizer immunity, but if it does turn out that the vaccine is causing damage, AND what if we find out that Pfizer lied to us and/or cut corners on testing? Are they still free from liability?

Also, and this is if it's found that the vaccine does harm...I have read that our government and private business could be liable for vaccine damage because of mandates.

This could get ugly!

BTW, our new member @Vellie is a nurse and she might can share some knowledge regarding the vaccine and EUA drugs.
I seriously doubt Pfizer or any of the drug companies will ever be held accountable. I have several friends in Healthcare who were fired for refusing...and their religious exemptions were denied. Several worked for BCBS/TN. I would dearly love to see them have to pay restitution to those they fired. However, even though there are many documented cases of harm and death r/t the vaccines, if any of those CROOKS are ever held accountable it'll greatly SHOCK me.
Who cares if the homeless have a fever, or for that matter Covid? I'm sorry...why are we still worried about covid? It is much much milder than the flu.

Hard for me to ever take any of this serious... it was all a lie.

They put our homeless in a huge convention center... none of them died. Very few got sick. They were living like this for a year! No hugh outbreaks and few deaths. This will sound harsh... I sort of though this would wipe out all the terribly ill, drug induced, crazy homeless. NOPE!

Even the ones who did not go to the convention center, but continued to live on the street, did not die.


I can't tell you how sick this makes me.​

Vaccinating kids for a virus they have little or no risk if they get Covid. Yet we know there are major heart issues of Myocarditis being caused from shot, especially in boys. The CDC is evil, as are Pfizer and Maderna.​

IT’S OFFICIAL: CDC Adds COVID-19 Vaccine to Routine Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents

“This means COVID-19 vaccine is now presented as any other routinely recommended vaccine and is no longer presented in a special “call out” box as in previous years. This, in a sense, helps ‘normalize’ this vaccine and sends a powerful message to both healthcare providers and the general public that everyone ages 6 months and older should stay up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccines (including a booster, when eligible), just as they would with any other routinely recommended vaccine,” Dr. Neil Murthy and Dr. A. Patricia Wodi said in a statement.

Routine vaccination of COVID vaccine per CDC:

  • Primary series:
    • Age 6 months–4 years: 2-dose series at 0, 4-8 weeks (Moderna) or 3-dose series at 0, 3-8, 11-16 weeks (Pfizer-BioNTech)
    • Age 5–11 years: 2-dose series at 0, 4-8 weeks (Moderna) or 2-dose series at 0, 3-8 weeks (Pfizer-BioNTech)
    • Age 12–18 years: 2-dose series at 0, 4-8 weeks (Moderna) or 2-dose series at 0, 3-8 weeks (Novavax, Pfizer-BioNTech)
  • For booster dose recommendations, see
Odd... why would they update it?

Glad it is not current news. I am so tired of hearing about covid here in the USS of California.


PUBLISHED: 11:02 EST, 27 January 2022 | UPDATED: 11:19 EST, 27 January 2022
They would have had an update sooner, but Spot wound up in a Pawn Shop, stripped of his computer and batteries,, there was also some evidence of sexual abuse and needle tracks on his hind legs.
.....she states "the gig is up" for Pfizer with Americans losing interest in the jab or boosters.....but there is still the huge issue of all of those who have already taken and been harmed by them. Restitution is definitely in order....but I am skeptical that there will ever be any.
Someone needs to inform the drug companies and THE MEDIA who still relentlessly and shamelessly tout the vaccines to all age groups....including babies!! Knowing how much damage they've makes me sick to see their never ending advertisements.
It absolutely makes me furious when they come on!! They are shameless and heartless.....all while claiming "HEALTHCARE." Sickening.