Covid is right here, and it's getting bad fast.

Why are they masked while at home if they're vaxed and boosted? I get it now. This is a propaganda poster.

LA is recommending mask usage again. They have not mandated it, but it is coming.

This type of propaganda is still ALL OVER the news, TV commercials, as well as radio, and even on the internet.

It is infuriating, because children don't need a shot, for that matter adults no longer need it, Covid is mild. My 85 year old mom had it in September...aches, pain in back, a fever, fatigue... no cough, no complications of lungs... no issues, and she is frail. In 4 days was better with some fatigue.

People make their kids mask up all over my city, it is so dumb.

Love how they are in the car driving with masks on themselves and their kids... so ridiculous. It is like they have a mental disease that they can no longer use common sense

I find the situation in China to be interesting. From what I read on the internet, approx 87% of their people are fully vaccinated. Now granted, they apparently used their vaccines, which are reportedly somewhat less effective than ours. But given how COVID is still running rampant over there, it would seem the vaccines are not very effective at all.

Would them using mRNA vaccines help much? I suspect not, knowing how ineffective they are on newer variants. Had they used them early on they might have done some good.

So why is China having such a harder time with this stuff than we and most of the world are? Is it their particular physiology, their dense population? What? Or did vaccinating so much of the population so quickly inhibit the development of natural immunity? I tend to wonder if it's not the latter. I still say while the vaccines saves some lives and bought us some time, it's natural immunity that has moved us from pandemic stage to endemic territory. Simply put; the human race has adapted to better fight the virus.

Regardless...I think China is fighting a losing battle with their "Zero COVID" policy. Sometimes you need to get out of the way and let nature handle things.
I'm calling BS on this one

I have to throw the BS flag down on this one as well. Most traffic accidents are caused by driver error. Some traffic accidents are caused by mechanical issues but are a small percentage. I have never seen a traffic accident report that said the cause of the accident was the result of not being vaccinated. I've never seen a news story saying that, either.

I get so angry... I should not, but I do.

I truly believe as good people, we are to protect the elderly and children. This is WRONG to do to children!

Never forget what they did in the name of science. It is continuing in Canada .. they are trying very hard here in Blue States too.

Never Forget:

The more cases there are, the more likely there will be mutations in the virus. This happens naturally all the time if the virus body is unstable like the common cold or the flu or Covid 19. Vax are good in that they shorten cases and / or prevent them minimizing the chances for mutations.

However, if one of those mutations allows the virus to avoid triggering an immune response from either natural immunity or vax immunity, then it will be more likely to survive than the original virus and be passed on to other people than the original, so will be found as a variant and if it has enough advantages, will likely take over as the dominant strain. Just like flu.

It’s like the flu shot. It protects against certain strains. If enough people get the shot, then cases of those. Strains will be minimal and cases of some other strain will be the majority of the cases, making it looks like they selected the wrong strain, but it’s just natural selection.