VP Debate

Wonder if this is true?


Looks fake to me.

This was what my 9 minutes listening to the radio in the car, then the news, showing her... She is so unlikeable... even though she is an attractive person.

From the article
Her smug smile did her no favors with female voters and she constantly resorted to squeaky emotional pieties. Pence used his dulcet tones to lull her to sleep with soft compliments and sideways praise. Then, he struck.
This was in my email news feed... back from Sept 23... I did not realize how annoying her voice was until I listened to her on the radio for the debate.

Harris gets another opportunity to remind everyone what a shrill shrew she is.

As we have noted many times before, Kamala Harris is so off-putting that her own party decided she was the first of the “top tier” candidates in the Democratic primary race who needed to go. Increased exposure to the public doesn’t really go well for Harris.