The "Save BBG\'s Soul" Thread

BeatBoxinGranny47 said:
Ok, one more question for the night. I have a glass of Bourbon and cigar calling my name. Do you really believe in the whole forgiveness thing? Example, I have heard news stories of someones child being murdered and the family "forgives" the one that took their childs life.

The Lord asked us to pray: "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." It's hard, especially in a case such as you cite, but if He asks much of us, He will give us the strength to do it.
BeatBoxinGranny47 said:
Ok, one more question for the night. I have a glass of Bourbon and cigar calling my name. Do you really believe in the whole forgiveness thing? Example, I have heard news stories of someones child being murdered and the family "forgives" the one that took their childs life.

Absolutely. But it would take me FOREVER to write all my personal experience here right now, and I have a sweet boy waiting in the movie room for me to watch Indiana Jones with him. Can I get back to you with the details?

And thanks for pushing us all a little deeper tonight.

I can tell you that I LOVE my Savior, and I'm always happy to share Him with others. I really should be in an insane asylum somewhere, but through His love and grace, I get to hang out with really insane cool folks like all of my fellow Hwyers! :laugh
I'm Floored said:
BeatBoxinGranny47 said:
Ok, one more question for the night. I have a glass of Bourbon and cigar calling my name. Do you really believe in the whole forgiveness thing? Example, I have heard news stories of someones child being murdered and the family "forgives" the one that took their childs life.

I can tell you that I LOVE my Savior, and I'm always happy to share Him with others. I really should be in an insane asylum somewhere, but through His love and grace, I get to hang out with really insane cool folks like all of my fellow Hwyers! :laugh

Genevieve said:
BeatBoxinGranny47 said:
Ok, one more question for the night. I have a glass of Bourbon and cigar calling my name. Do you really believe in the whole forgiveness thing? Example, I have heard news stories of someones child being murdered and the family "forgives" the one that took their childs life.

The Lord asked us to pray: "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." It's hard, especially in a case such as you cite, but if He asks much of us, He will give us the strength to do it.

Agreed. I've also heard it said that if God doesn't hold our sins against us (and He offers forgiveness freely to anyone who will ask), then we have no right to hold the sin of another against that person.

I've heard it said that not forgiving someone is like taking poison to kill the other person, but it kills you instead. Bitterness (which I first typed as "butterness" which made me think of the Big Butter Jesus statue up in Ohio what got struck by lightning and burnt up) will eat you UP inside. You may have to forgive over and over and over maybe for months or longer (and believe me when I say that I know whereof I speak) until you get past it, but you can do it, with God's help.

NOTE: Forgiveness does NOT mean forgetting. I would not advise an incest victim to go to a family reunion, and I wouldn't advise the family of the murdered child to tell the prosecutors not to go for the maximum penalty. If they feel healed enough to do those things, fine. But forgiveness doesn't give the other person the right to hurt you again, nor to escape the consequences of what they did.
OK...I keep trying to answer a couple of BBG's questions...get the post almost completely typed out, then it disappears before I can hit the post button. :BH Here goes my third attempt at getting this post in.

In the bible it says God took 6 days to create the earth, land, seas, sun, moon, stars, plants, animals, mankind. (Gen 1:1-31) It also says that to God 1000 years is the same as 1 day to man. (Ps 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8) Animals were created before man was. While the bible does not specifically mention dinosaurs, I believe there is room for them to have lived in the time before man was created. Most animals are not specifically mentioned in the bible.

Prayer is really meant as time spent in God's presence, where we are focused on Him and not distracted by other things. It's purpose is for us to learn/discern the Lord's heart. We can certainly ask Him for things when we pray (and who hasn't?), but that isn't the main reason we pray. It is personal, intimate time with the one person who loves you most, knows you best and is always faithful. We, as Christians, need to remember that when we ask for something when we pray, that if God says NO, that only means that He has a bigger YES that He intends for us. (In other words, what we ask for isn't the best thing for us. He knows this better than anyone else does, since He knows our frame)

Don't know if that helps, but I hope it does.
deewee said:
OK...I keep trying to answer a couple of BBG's questions...get the post almost completely typed out, then it disappears before I can hit the post button. :BH Here goes my third attempt at getting this post in.

In the bible it says God took 6 days to create the earth, land, seas, sun, moon, stars, plants, animals, mankind. (Gen 1:1-31) It also says that to God 1000 years is the same as 1 day to man. (Ps 90:4, 2 Peter 3:8) Animals were created before man was. While the bible does not specifically mention dinosaurs, I believe there is room for them to have lived in the time before man was created. Most animals are not specifically mentioned in the bible. Actually that does answer, or rather confirms what I have always thought. Our time, and God's are totally different.

Prayer is really meant as time spent in God's presence, where we are focused on Him and not distracted by other things. It's purpose is for us to learn/discern the Lord's heart. We can certainly ask Him for things when we pray (and who hasn't?), but that isn't the main reason we pray. It is personal, intimate time with the one person who loves you most, knows you best and is always faithful. We, as Christians, need to remember that when we ask for something when we pray, that if God says NO, that only means that He has a bigger YES that He intends for us. (In other words, what we ask for isn't the best thing for us. He knows this better than anyone else does, since He knows our frame) I talk with God all day. Not only for help, but just like I would talk with a friend. I find that as I age my faith seems to grow, and the things that used to bother me don't so much anymore. I find it easier to forgive people.

Don't know if that helps, but I hope it does.
Cool thread! :DN

There has been a lot of talk about prayer here, but the first prayer should be telling God that we understand we are sinners, to ask for forgiveness and invite Jesus Christ into our hearts. Any other prayers prior to that are pretty much pointless. God will not force His was into our lives. He created us in his image and, like us, has no desire to MAKE people love Him. He wants us to love and accept Him by our own choice. I think we all are that way. "Behold, I stand at the door and knock" But He will not break down the door.

Had God created man and sat on a throne atop the highest mountain in the world, all would worship Him. Who would have a choice? We're talking about The Almighty here and we are just flesh and bone. Would we buck the system, shake our fist in His face and tell Him we were going to do our own thing? I'm thinking not :'(

He has asked us to look at the amazing world around us, recognize His greatness and accept his love and offer of salvation by believing and trusting in Him. Love and respect by intimidation is hollow and fake. I have a supervisor who practices the intimidation method, thinking it will result in the respect and loyalty of everyone under him. The job gets done and it's "Yes, Sir", "No, Sir" just like clockwork, but the respect is not there and when he leaves this place, he will likely die a very lonely person.

I believe the same would hold true if God descended during the 7th inning stretch of the All Star Game last night (GO NATIONAL LEAGUE!). Anyone in their right mind would bow and accept him...but not out of true love, but fear and trembling.

We talk about sin, sin, sin. What we drink, the words we use, who we sleep with, what we have stolen, etc. That is NOT what sends us to eternal separation from God. We get too distracted with questions about prayer, dinosaurs and whether the egg or chicken came first that we forget the ONE and ONLY important issue. That being that we place or faith and trust in a loving God who sent his Son as a sacrifice for ALL of our sins...past, present and future. After we leave this bag of imperfect flesh and bone, His Word tells us that we will be made like Him. THEN we will know the answers to all these questions that distract us from the one, true purpose that He created us for. That being to accept Him as Savior and be with him for eternity.

None of us can save anyone. God's Holy Spirit deals with the individual and knocks on their hearts door, asking to be allowed in. Our job as Christians is only to testify what He has done in our lives and try to live as God would have us live. I fall short daily, but realize that I'm not even close to perfect, but the Christ that lives within me IS. ;D
RE: prayer - I've heard it said (and I have found this to be true) that for those who know Him, God ALWAYS answers our prayers. He has three possible answers - yes, no, or wait. I REEEEEEEEEALLY hate that last one. GAH!!! But He's big enough to make Himself perfectly clear on His answer (and James 1:5 says that if we pray for wisdom, He WILL give it to us), and I am generally just as happy at peace with a no as I am with a yes. Those wait ones...GAH!!! He gets a big ol' earful from me, bless His heart. But His patience is perfect as well. ;)
deewee touched on the prayer topic that was on my heart, prayer isn't just asking for something, it's a time of praise and worship for the many blessings you already have. Truly, if I had to live in a box, I'd still praise and thank God each and every night for my beautiful children. (Be thankful for what you have, otherwise you will never have enough.) Prayer isn't just a Sunday morning thing, it's a constant communication. (I do agree with GC too, first we have to allow him into our hearts.)

Speaking of children, I don't believe God "takes" our children, gives our children cancer, or is punishing us for some sin. Evil is present in the world and God gave everyone free will, even those who don't believe in Him. If someone murders another person, their life was cut short by evil, not taken by God. God is pure love, in a way we can't even imagine. Our marriages and our children are one of the ways he tries to show us that.

On a more personal note, God didn't take my son from me. My son was born with a heart defect that occurred in the womb before I ever even knew I was pregnant. I don't blame God for that, but honestly it took me a long time to get to that place.

I don't believe in "karma" either, but that's a subject for another time.

I don't believe he lays out our lives in the manner that He chooses, I think the choices we make daily directly effect our lives, both good and bad. If He already had the plan all laid out, that would remove our free will and deny his teachings. Just not a possibility for me. (Your mileage may vary.)

As (I hope) you see, the relationship is very personal to each person and is a different experience for each of us. Above all else, He simply wants us to love him and one another. It really is that simple. Man complicates it. I do strongly believe that believers should congregate and worship together.

With faith comes an understanding that there is a spiritual realm. A place where God has already provided for all the needs we'll ever have. But, we have to have our hearts in a place ready to receive those blessings.

In the "I need a new job" example, here's what I believe would happen. I would pray and seek God for the new job. My heart has to receive that blessing, but the person or persons involved in the hiring process also have to hear God's voice and hire me. Did God tell me no? No, He didn't. But He didn't have a willing vessel to say yes. See, I don't really believe He says "yes, no or maybe". If I need money to cover a light bill, is it going to rain money? No, it won't. But God will make a way through another human's heart.

Those are just my .02 for tonight.
Madea said:
deewee touched on the prayer topic that was on my heart, prayer isn't just asking for something, it's a time of praise and worship for the many blessings you already have. Truly, if I had to live in a box, I'd still praise and thank God each and every night for my beautiful children. (Be thankful for what you have, otherwise you will never have enough.) Prayer isn't just a Sunday morning thing, it's a constant communication. (I do agree with GC too, first we have to allow him into our hearts.)

Speaking of children, I don't believe God "takes" our children, gives our children cancer, or is punishing us for some sin. Evil is present in the world and God gave everyone free will, even those who don't believe in Him. If someone murders another person, their life was cut short by evil, not taken by God. God is pure love, in a way we can't even imagine. Our marriages and our children are one of the ways he tries to show us that.

On a more personal note, God didn't take my son from me. My son was born with a heart defect that occurred in the womb before I ever even knew I was pregnant. I don't blame God for that, but honestly it took me a long time to get to that place.

I don't believe in "karma" either, but that's a subject for another time.

I don't believe he lays out our lives in the manner that He chooses, I think the choices we make daily directly effect our lives, both good and bad. If He already had the plan all laid out, that would remove our free will and deny his teachings. Just not a possibility for me. (Your mileage may vary.)

As (I hope) you see, the relationship is very personal to each person and is a different experience for each of us. Above all else, He simply wants us to love him and one another. It really is that simple. Man complicates it. I do strongly believe that believers should congregate and worship together.

With faith comes an understanding that there is a spiritual realm. A place where God has already provided for all the needs we'll ever have. But, we have to have our hearts in a place ready to receive those blessings.

In the "I need a new job" example, here's what I believe would happen. I would pray and seek God for the new job. My heart has to receive that blessing, but the person or persons involved in the hiring process also have to hear God's voice and hire me. Did God tell me no? No, He didn't. But He didn't have a willing vessel to say yes. See, I don't really believe He says "yes, no or maybe". If I need money to cover a light bill, is it going to rain money? No, it won't. But God will make a way through another human's heart.

Those are just my .02 for tonight.
Very nice post Madea. (You should start a thread of your own on Karma.)
Genevieve said:
Hey BBG,

Didja make it to church today?

We did and it was very enjoyable. I only had 2 people hold a handshake for an uncomfortable amount of time and one of them was my Uncle. There was one guy that shook hands like a dainty lady which weirded me out a little. It helped that there are about 10 people that we know that go there. We did see one local restraunt owner that I dont like there but everyone said they had never seen him there before. The preacher had great enthusiasm, which I enjoyed. All in all, I had a great time and plan on going back. I just hope people learn how to pronounce my last name. That part was a little annoying.
BeatBoxinGranny47 said:
Genevieve said:
Hey BBG,

Didja make it to church today?

We did and it was very enjoyable. I only had 2 people hold a handshake for an uncomfortable amount of time and one of them was my Uncle. There was one guy that shook hands like a dainty lady which weirded me out a little. It helped that there are about 10 people that we know that go there. We did see one local restraunt owner that I dont like there but everyone said they had never seen him there before. The preacher had great enthusiasm, which I enjoyed. All in all, I had a great time and plan on going back. I just hope people learn how to pronounce my last name. That part was a little annoying.
How were they saying it?
(oops you can text me..duh we are here)
How many ways are there to say Hawg? :D Glad to hear the outcome. I was about to start a separate thread about it and ask if you'd survived or if there was a news story about some dude bein' struck by lightnin'. ;)