Pediatric Emergency?


Pursuit Driver
If I needed to take BabyB to the ER, where would I go? Can Paulding handle pediatric emergencies?

BabyB had what I thought was a mosquito bite this morning. We played in the yard with Poppy when we got to my parents house last night. Now I'm pretty sure it's a spider bite. He's acting fine, no fever, but I'm worried. MrB wants to watch it, I'm starting to freak and have visions of limb loss, etc. this is how my head works....
Post a pic for us.

I don't know of an urgent care in Paulding, and chances are without the spider they're just going to tell you to watch it...BUT, there is good news, if it were a dangerous bite - that baby would be howling with pain. Dangerous spider bites typically become increasingly painful over time.
That's what my mom said. My brother was bitten by a brown recluse when he was a teen. Im on my phone and can't upload it. Maybe a volunteer can let me text or email it and upload it for me? Lol
We had a friend get bitten by a brown recluse the weekend of July Fourth. He said he got bit and noticed it, and within 2 hours it turned into what it was when we saw it (which was gross). And his hand was twice the size it should be - no exaggeration!
I believe it... My brothers swelled up, then he had a fever. Then he was violently ill.

Dad was bitten by what they think was a black widow. It looked like a festering hole in his neck. Nasty.
Look up the Childrens Healthcare nurse line. They will talk you through what to do. There is a CHOA urgent care up behind Town Center mall - past Garden Ridge. They work fast, although they do get backed up at times.
Thanks y'all. It's redder in the center and around the outside. I've called the doctor and I'm waiting on the on duty nurse practitioner to call back. :( They aren't fast enough for me.
This is strictly just me, but if I had a sick kid (and I've had to take nephew before), I'd go to CHOA, even if I had to go all the way to Scottish Rite (if it were after hours of the Urgent Care). We've been to the Urgent Care near Town Center twice, and I believe there's one near the E/W Connector? I'm just weird that way. Don't trust anybody are different.

PS - That is one adorable leg. :love
They don't know what bit him, but they think it is staph setting in. I'm to take him to the pediatrician first thing tomorrow unless he wakes up with a fever or red lines start to spread then we are to the ER ASAP. I'm to put warm compresses and neosporin on it throughout the night. By the time she called me back it started draining fluid. :(
MrsB said:
They don't know what bit him, but they think it is staph setting in. I'm to take him to the pediatrician first thing tomorrow unless he wakes up with a fever or red lines start to spread then we are to the ER ASAP. I'm to put warm compresses and neosporin on it throughout the night. By the time she called me back it started draining fluid. :(

I just went through all that with my son. I will pray it is not staph. :pray