Jehovah\'s Witnesses!


Pursuit Driver
It's hotter than Hades outside and the JW just came to my door. Two young boys, around 10, dressed in suit pants, dress shirts and ties. There was an adult in my driveway.

Now, I'm always polite. Especially to children. But WHY are they marching children around I this heat???? I just do not understand.
I would love to have Prince who is also a JW show up at my
Poor little heat stricken fellas. Send them to my house. Its nice and cool down in my cellar.
Well, at least they are dedicated. :eek: But, I DO NOT believe in sending the children in at all.
I would have gone outside and yelled at the adult. What in the world makes people think it is ok to be fully dressed in weather like this? The whole neighborhood would have heard me. and It would not be nice! :rant :rant
The JW's don't go to my parents' house anymore. My father is a minister and every time they would come, he'd invite them in, get out his Bible and give them the Good News. Every time they would say something of their belief, my father would go to his Bible and show them they were wrong. Now his house is on their "Do Not Stop" list. :laugh

I was mad at myself for not saying anything to the man. I don't know why I didn't. Those poor boys.
BeatBoxinGranny47 said:
Kinda like most religions?

Actually, while I don't agree with their theology, I was referring more to their stupe behaviors, like sending the kids out, getting all wadded up about people celebrating birthdays and Christmas, etc. If adults want to do that stuff, fine. But sending kids out like that is just so uncool.
mei lan said:
BeatBoxinGranny47 said:
Kinda like most religions?

Actually, while I don't agree with their theology, I was referring more to their stupe behaviors, like sending the kids out, getting all wadded up about people celebrating birthdays and Christmas, etc. If adults want to do that stuff, fine. But sending kids out like that is just so uncool.

Well, they use the "works" thing to force their people into submission. That's what I meant earlier when I called them poor misguided souls.
Bottom line, I don't need someone knocking on my door selling me their Religion. I know I have my own choice as to what I believe, and respect what others believe.....just don't come selling me your beliefs
atlantdav said:
Bottom line, I don't need someone knocking on my door selling me their Religion. I know I have my own choice as to what I believe, and respect what others believe.....just don't come selling me your beliefs

Ditto that.