Ah the unintended consequences

I was going to ask if you were serious, but I kept reading and realized you had your panties truly in a wad. I would say get over yourself but I don't know if that is possible. I could have just as easily said shit ass but that would have gotten me sensored.

ETA: You took one word out of a long explanation, blew it way out of proportion, and railed against me for using it. That's a common tactic of someone who has no rational response left. V You don't need a break, you need a rationally defensible point of view.
Aren't you a ray of sunshine? My responses have been rational and my offense at you speaking of a high school kid like you did have nothing to do with the topic. I could easily have turned your statement back at you and said the name calling starts when you know you are wrong, but I did not do that. See, I respect your right to your opinion and beliefs and actually think you are a very smart man.
Have a great day. :)
Aren't you a ray of sunshine? My responses have been rational and my offense at you speaking of a high school kid like you did have nothing to do with the topic. I could easily have turned your statement back at you and said the name calling starts when you know you are wrong, but I did not do that. See, I respect your right to your opinion and beliefs and actually think you are a very smart man.
Have a great day. :)

Tell me where I'm wrong. I did not express an opinion or belief. I used something that is obviously foreign to you since you seem incapable of recognizing it, called fact. Go ahead, tell me that he has no advantage over his female competition. Be prepared to use facts instead of passive aggressiveness. I won't hold my breath.
Tell me where I'm wrong. I did not express an opinion or belief. I used something that is obviously foreign to you since you seem incapable of recognizing it, called fact. Go ahead, tell me that he has no advantage over his female competition. Be prepared to use facts instead of passive aggressiveness. I won't hold my breath.
Your ugliness this afternoon is not becoming. :) I am not being passive aggressive, I have been very specific of my being bothered by your one statement.

BTW...she did not cheat when she was permitted, by the rules, to play.
Please stay on topic. I will close this down.
:D Now, you know there is not a thread that stays on topic:laugh2:.....but I will give you a :goldcup: for saying you will close it down. Best post of the thread. (I am serious, not being sarcastic, passive aggressive, or any other thing. I just think it is the best statement I have seen in this thread.)