Yeah, European Socialism is the way to go

When adjusted for purchasing power, European countries including the Nordic countries would be among the poorest states in the US. Yes this includes the value of social programs.
The liberals down the street would call this a bogus report and claim those European countries are superior to us because they have "free" national health care. The liberals here fail to realize that the "free" health care they receive is actually paid for by the people in the form of much higher taxes than what we pay. These high taxes, much in the form of a value added tax, takes anywhere from 19-27% (depending upon the country) of their purchasing power away because it's a sales tax. They also have payroll taxes and other government taxes as well deducted from their paychecks.

So many people in Europe use public transportation not because they like it, but because they cannot afford to by a car.
The Democrats have been wanting to make us more like Europe for years. If the rank and file Democratic voter knew what that would actually to our way of life, they wouldn't be so supportive of their leaders.

But being well informed has not been their strong suit.

I tried for years to open eyes on that other site as to what happened over the decades in Sweden.

How a county known for a strong work ethic and self sufficiency a century ago... people who would only take extra help if they truly had to (what all safety nets were meant to be,) became generations on "disability" in the prime of their life....

Sounds a lot like our country's last 8 years to me...record numbers of people on disability and food stamps with 0bama phones and snap cards.

But the leftovers from the other place all said they want the USA to be like Canada or Sweden... you know free healthcare, college, childcare, education ... oh wait... it is not free, When the government is spending a larger percentage than what is produced... :ninja:
The liberals down the street would call this a bogus report and claim those European countries are superior to us because they have "free" national health care. The liberals here fail to realize that the "free" health care they receive is actually paid for by the people in the form of much higher taxes than what we pay. These high taxes, much in the form of a value added tax, takes anywhere from 19-27% (depending upon the country) of their purchasing power away because it's a sales tax. They also have payroll taxes and other government taxes as well deducted from their paychecks.

So many people in Europe use public transportation not because they like it, but because they cannot afford to by a car.

Free natonal health care requires rationing.
