Whitmere blasts Trump for not wearing mask

Boss 302

Pursuit Driver
Whitmere gets on the news blasting Trump for not wearing a mask when he visited the Ford plant that is making ventilators. He did wear a mask while touring the plant where employees were working. There's even a picture of him wearing a mask with the presidential seal. He took the mask off just before entering the area the media was contained and where he held a press conference. I've seen Whitmere on TV quite a bit in the past week holding press conferences while not wearing a mask. The hypocrisy and double standards among the left is always obvious.
The Democrats will criticize him and anything and everything, whether wrong or not. It's all part of their strategy.

Whitmere is running for VP, she's doubled down.
Whitmere is wasting her time, as she's not black. The DNC will pick a black female to be his running mate.