White liberals vs black police officers

This whole thing is not about race at all. It's about good and decent people vs ignorant, angry, and in some cases, mentally ill.

It's crystal clear that most of these protesters are either completely ignorant, off their rocker, or both. And the anger they are displaying is artificially induced.

If the news media really were journalists, their investigative people would be digging into the money and power trail and exposing who is actually behind these movements. I'm sure it can't be that hard to find out.
It looks more apparent that the Democratic Party with the assistance of the MSM is trying to incite a race war in this country. They have come up with this propaganda crap and indoctrination to make young white people feel guilty they are white so they will support the Democrats in this political war. In many of the news reports you see a lot of young white people who act mentally deranged by how they scream and holler at police.

The other day in Detroit, a bunch of young white people attacked a Detroit PD patrol vehicle. They started smashing the windows out of it and the officer began driving it through the crowd to get the hell out of there. Some jumped onto the hood, so he would speed up and then hit the brakes to toss them off the car. Some of those crazy, young white people got hurt and now the officer will be brought up on charges. WTH? He was defending himself. He works in a city run by liberals, so now they have him guilty simply because he's a police officer.

We are now seeing crime increasing significantly in these cities because police officers are refusing to take calls because they are not getting the support from the leadership of those cities. I can't say I blame those officers because city leaders have now made their job a lot more dangerous. We are starting to see an increase of police officers being killed on duty.
Someone very powerful is behind all this, orchestrating it. It happens every four years, leading up to elections.
I was thinking, well there's some white privilege for you watching the white girl call black cops part of the system?????

The rhetoric they are spewing is the same I heard from my hispanic college aged employee... they are being taught this in the public schools.

The basic requirement for an associate degree requires these classes that teach about systemic racism. The three I have all have dropped their chicano studies class, twice, because the teachers were so radical, they did not feel comfortable taking the class... yet it is a required class and there are only those two teachers teaching the classes at the community college they go to.

We have lost the nation because progressives teach our youth preschool through college.

My hispanic employee admitted she has never experienced racism when pushed if her generation generally all get along and accepts each other no matter what ethnicity they are. I told her that is the America I see. That each generation has seen ethnicity become less important and I know her generation does not judge people by their ethnicity, so why is it that all of a sudden it looks like everyone hates each other?

That is when she goes into her need to stand for all people of color who are being targeted and shot because they are black.

I wonder how many black people she even knows as only 5% of San Diego County is black. (I did not ask her that, but she has mostly hispanic friends.)

Just like the buzz words we see in this video. The under 30's have been primed all their life with these talking points, even though racism in their life is almost non existent... especially in the west in big cities.
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