US hiring sharply misses expectations

I'm assuming that is people hired, not jobs open but not filled as I see help wanted signs all over.
Only 266,000 new jobs added in April. There were 770,000 new jobs added in March. I would wager that the vast majority of added jobs for the past three months are jobs that existed prior to the pandemic. In those states with high unemployment numbers like those on the west coast, NY, MA, NJ, etc will have a tough time filling available jobs because of the unemployment people are getting. It would help the employers in all states if each state ended the federal unemployment. The states I just mentioned are all Democratic controlled states and it's doubtful they will end the federal unemployment at this time.

Another reason for a lower "new" jobs added for April is likely due to many small businesses having been put out of business because of the shutdowns. I'm glad our state had the common sense to be one of the first to reopen or else a lot more small businesses would have been lost.