UN: More than 100 former Afghan troops, officials killed since Taliban takeover

Why is this even news... everyone knew this was what happened... I would wager the 100 figure is extremely low. Then you have all the pedophiles that will be raping the children- boys and girls... their culture and religion is one of disgusting morals.

Worse is that many of those men who like to rape little boys were brought to America unvetted.

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Let's Go Brandon never properly planned what became the botched Afghan exit.

The people we should have helped leave Afghanistan, were not the people on the planes.

Instead there were too many young men... they were not vetted, and many are the ones who take advantage of boys, girls, and women. They will rape and hurt them as though it is their right... their customs allow it. It is why the people of Europe have had such a hard time with the immigration of these men. Yet the local citizens of Germany, France, Sweden, etc., are not allowed to openly discuss it. It is a disaster... now in our country... thanks to eff joe Biden/let's go brandon

The rampant sexual abuse of Afghan boys by men in power, known as Bacha Bazi (“boy play”), is a centuries-old custom in Afghanistan that has long been a problem.
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