Trump In A Truck...


Pursuit Driver
This is not really about politics... more about perception.

The media thought this was funny in a mocking sort of way.
I thought it was funny too... in a really cute humanizing way.

This is Trump being Trump... he's keepin it real and authentic.
The mainstream media sees this as the bumbling display of an idiot.

I think real down home mainstream America might see this much differently...
Policies aside... I think optics matter. And these optics are a man of the people...

This is a guy having fun and being playful while addressing working class issues.
The media spends all it's time talking about Trump and almost no time on issues.

They got the election wrong and now they are misreading the national mood.
They are insulated from the concerns of the average voter.

What we have here is a failure to communicate...

My Grandfather was a long haul trucker...

There is a lot about him I wish he'd change, but freaking out the press and Liberals by acting like a normal human being isn't one of them.

I'd have a blast sitting in one as well and could see myself doing that.
This pic doesn't bother nearly nearly as much as...

...this one does
Its funny that blogs were berated by the left for making fun of Obama and his often peculiar ways. Now the MSM does it to Trump. Seriously, there is a lot wrong with Trump, I mean things that matter. Their going after his personality and Russia, Russia, Russia (Marsha, Marsha, Marsha) just makes them seem petty, not smart.
Honestly he looks like Dr. Evil in the movie Austin Powers