Trump congratulates Sanders on Nevada caucuses: 'Don’t let them take it away from you'

Bloomy is quietly working in the background to consolidate superdelegates and delegates from Biden and Booty, should there be a brokered convention. Assuming that Bernie's lead will evaporate or at least lessen in the South, a brokered convention seems a strong likelihood.
One of the comments:
“The goal of socialism is communism.” ~ Vladimir Lenin

“We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism." ~ Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet Leader, 1959

Sorta lets the cat out of the bag, doesn't it?
One of the comments:
“The goal of socialism is communism.” ~ Vladimir Lenin

“We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism." ~ Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet Leader, 1959

Sorta lets the cat out of the bag, doesn't it?
It all started when Khrushchev made his infamous threat.
The way it looks right now, Sanders will most likely have enough delegates to secure the nomination on the first ballot. If so, it will be interesting to see what the DNC concocts to prevent him from getting the nomination.
I posted in the other thread, but here is the thinking. Sanders has very loyal followers, but the rest of the country sees him for the communist he is and can't get behind him. That is why you hear the 27% figure, Sanders counters with, "Well, who is winning?" He will not admit that 73% of the democrat voters do not want what he is pedaling... ie communism where only those at the top live a good life, corruptly taking what they want and running a country into poverty... like we see living conditions in Venezuela now.

“We were at a Sanders event, and it was like being at a Left Party meeting,” he told Sweden’s Svenska Dagbladet newspaper, according to one translation. “It was a mixture of very young people and old Marxists, who think they were right all along. There were no ordinary people there, simply.”
In 2015 the Danes were even tired of Sen. Bernie Sanders insulting their country. “Denmark is not a socialist nation”, said its prime minister. It has a “market economy.”

Sanders claims to be a democratic socialist in the European mold; an admirer of Sweden and Denmark. Yet his career is marked with praise for regimes considerably to the left of those Scandinavian models.

He has praised Cuba for “making enormous progress in improving the lives of poor and working people.” In his memoir, he bragged about attending a 1985 parade celebrating the Sandinistas’ seizure of power six years before.

Yea, if he wins big on March 3rd, he may be as unstoppable as Trump was to the GOP. If they hadn't had the superdelegates 4 years ago this likely would have happened then. As it is, they shot themselves in the foot trying to appease his followers to keep them in the fold when they got mad that the DNC had stolen his election.

It's really funny how the dems have attempted to keep this wide coalition of wildly intolerant people in their party and now it's biting them squarely on the butt.

The way it looks right now, Sanders will most likely have enough delegates to secure the nomination on the first ballot. If so, it will be interesting to see what the DNC concocts to prevent him from getting the nomination.
They would have to go way outside their own rules. I don't know if they would or not. Right now the superdelegates are designed to control a brokered convention, but rules can be changed almost instantly.
I can see why the Russians would be working to grow support for a Biden nomination. Two reasons actually. The first is Biden has a lot of support among the millennials, the largest group of people in this country who buy into Sanders free stuff policies that would bankrupt the nation. Remember the primary reason Russia interfered in the last election was to cause a major division in the country between conservatives and liberals. Their interference in this election in support of Sanders will result in further division if Sanders loses the nomination. The Russians know that 2/3 of the country opposes socialism. If Sanders were to get the nomination, the Russians know he would most likely lose to Trump, resulting in even greater division in the country.

I don't discount the idea the Russians may be hoping Sanders could win the general election either. A Sanders' win in the general will result in even greater division. I don't see the majority of Democrats supporting many of his policies, causing further division within the DNC. I do see the party supporting a national health care plan for all whether people are here legally or not, free college tuition, and student loan forgiveness; all of which would lead to much higher taxes and double digit unemployment numbers. This would severely weaken our economy and greatly benefit Russia.

Russia views interfering in our country supporting Sanders as a win-win for them.