This Sucks... Disappointed


Pursuit Driver
Okay the GOP has screwed the pooch here,
and Trump needs to unhitch his Ryan wagon...

I cannot support this... does nothing to address cost.

1. Take care of the disabled and indigent.
2. Leave the rest of us the hell alone ! ! !

I think they should repeal it and just go back to the way things were, except allow purchases across state lines and tort reform. Other than submitting legislation to allow the public more freedom in the marketplace, the government needs to have NO HANDS in our healthcare system.
Look for places where the state and federal governments stands in the way and move it over. There are literally hundreds of unnecessary and burdensome regulations that can be ended.

At the same time, or in a separate bill, devise a funding plan for INDIGENT healthcare. Government does not have to control the insurance industry or the delivery of healthcare to both lower the cost and deliver on our social responsibility to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. Note that the middle class is not indigent and free healthcare is not a right.
Hey...I said all along, the real fix will not happen because the real fix is getting the federal government completely out of heathcare.

The Fairtax has a better chance at passing than getting the feds out of healthcare. And that is the proverbial snowball's chance in Hell.
The problem is that government is not efficient at running anything. Why should healthcare be any different? This whole situation starting with Obama Care and including this latest GOP version has been rushed for political reasons with out an ounce of concern about the people it actually effects. Congress is not worried about premiums or coverage. The members have the best plan in the world. This matter is so wide reaching and so complicated it should take months or even years to come up with a comprehensive plan that covers almost all the possibilities of coverage for the most people. Hussein O pushed it through to secure a legacy for an other wise dismal two term presidency. DJT and the GOP are rushing a plan to the table to give the appearance they are living up to campaign promises. Neither plan has been studied and thought out enough to actually address most of the concerns of the public. Slow down people, be patient, Rome was not built in a day.
I believe Trump will try to do the right thing, as best as possible, but the Monster known as the Federal Government is a pretty big Goliath to go toe to toe with. I hope I'm wrong...
A new kind of doctor's offices...

I think something like this plus a high deductible (maybe $5-10K) plan to cover major issues and hospital stays would be a great way to handle health coverage and insurance.
I've been saying for years that something along these lines will be the only way to fix healthcare.

Get the federal government, insurance companies, and employers out of it. People can negotiate directly with healthcare providers to purchase a healthcare contract. You pay them a monthly fee, and they fix what is wrong with you. You'll be able to purchase "Cadillac plans" or catastrophic plans; the choice will be yours. The healthcare contracts must include hospitalization and surgery in their plans. If they don't provide that directly, they must have an arrangement with a hospital system.

The states can figure out how to handle the safety net and minimal oversight. With 50 states trying various approaches, there will be some innovative ideas come forth. Personally, I'd like to see them privatize that too.

-The power of choice and negotiation is back in the hands of the individual
-The free market will work it's magic, and we'll see costs plummet and providers will be jumping through hoops to ear our business with fast and polite service.
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I've been saying for years that something along these lines will be the only way to fix healthcare.

Get the federal government, insurance companies, and employers out of it. People can negotiate directly with healthcare providers to purchase a healthcare contract. You pay them a monthly fee, and they fix what is wrong with you. You'll be able to purchase "Cadillac plans" or catastrophic plans; the choice will be yours. The healthcare contracts must include hospitalization and surgery in their plans. If they don't provide that directly, they must have an arrangement with a hospital system.

The states can figure out how to handle the safety net and minimal oversight. With 52 states trying various approaches, there will be some innovative ideas come forth. Personally, I'd like to see them privatize that too.

-The power of choice and negotiation is back in the hands of the individual
-The free market will work it's magic, and we'll see costs plummet and providers will be jumping through hoops to ear our business with fast and polite service.

You been hanging out with Barack again. aint'cha? ;)
A new kind of doctor's offices...

I think something like this plus a high deductible (maybe $5-10K) plan to cover major issues and hospital stays would be a great way to handle health coverage and insurance.
you must be one of the rich that have not been humbled by a catastrophic illness.
Unless you are really rich and have a million or so on hand, one catastrophic illness will deplete you dry and for 20 years of payments to a hospital if this type of program were to be ensued.
I've been saying for years that something along these lines will be the only way to fix healthcare.

Get the federal government, insurance companies, and employers out of it. People can negotiate directly with healthcare providers to purchase a healthcare contract. You pay them a monthly fee, and they fix what is wrong with you. You'll be able to purchase "Cadillac plans" or catastrophic plans; the choice will be yours. The healthcare contracts must include hospitalization and surgery in their plans. If they don't provide that directly, they must have an arrangement with a hospital system.

The states can figure out how to handle the safety net and minimal oversight. With 50 states trying various approaches, there will be some innovative ideas come forth. Personally, I'd like to see them privatize that too.

-The power of choice and negotiation is back in the hands of the individual
-The free market will work it's magic, and we'll see costs plummet and providers will be jumping through hoops to ear our business with fast and polite service.
anybody over age 30 who wants to sell medical insurance like car insurance or compares it to that and privatize it only evidently has no preexisting conditions and has a million stashed somewhere to see it blow in a months time during a humbling medical crisis.
Cars are not people. Not having any public hospital would have a detrimental effect on teaching hospitals where doctors really learn medicine before they practice on people.
If this goes through like car insurance, you will see preexisting conditions and rates so high after they rank all your illness or conditions that yes you could buy insurance if you had the astronomical amount of money they want monthly premium for.
You're right, medical plans need to have hospital and surgery but there are other things like physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, urgent care, home health care, long term care, etc that is needed alot of times.
Its not cut and dry as in car insurance.
What will happen is that you will see medical providers get out of the medical field if all this ensues because they do have to keep the lights on, pay for research, pay for practicing themselves and employ anxicillary staff.
nobody will be able to buy insurance, they will get discouraged and not go see about their health and the population/community as a whole will suffer with a bunch of people who are not healthy.
And with car insurance, your premium goes up when you have an accident. So, with that proposal of medical insurance theory, rates will climb like crazy for the very people who need it the most.
Its a mess for sure.
you must be one of the rich that have not been humbled by a catastrophic illness.
Unless you are really rich and have a million or so on hand, one catastrophic illness will deplete you dry and for 20 years of payments to a hospital if this type of program were to be ensued.

Did you miss the part where I mentioned a high deductible plan for catastrophic illnesses?
When I was sick I looked for the catastrophic plan with the lowest stop loss. I blew through deductibles and copayments in two months, so they were virtually useless. I knew I would hit the stop loss on anything I bought, so why pay extra for all that other crap. I put money in a MSA and bought a catastrophic policy because it was the cheapest way to go. It served me well for five years until I dropped back on the surgeries.
anybody over age 30 who wants to sell medical insurance like car insurance or compares it to that and privatize it only evidently has no preexisting conditions and has a million stashed somewhere to see it blow in a months time during a humbling medical crisis.
Cars are not people. Not having any public hospital would have a detrimental effect on teaching hospitals where doctors really learn medicine before they practice on people.
If this goes through like car insurance, you will see preexisting conditions and rates so high after they rank all your illness or conditions that yes you could buy insurance if you had the astronomical amount of money they want monthly premium for.
You're right, medical plans need to have hospital and surgery but there are other things like physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, urgent care, home health care, long term care, etc that is needed alot of times.
Its not cut and dry as in car insurance.
What will happen is that you will see medical providers get out of the medical field if all this ensues because they do have to keep the lights on, pay for research, pay for practicing themselves and employ anxicillary staff.
nobody will be able to buy insurance, they will get discouraged and not go see about their health and the population/community as a whole will suffer with a bunch of people who are not healthy.
And with car insurance, your premium goes up when you have an accident. So, with that proposal of medical insurance theory, rates will climb like crazy for the very people who need it the most.
Its a mess for sure.
As I mentioned, the states would have oversight. They would determine the laws regulating healthcare, and also provide for the safety net.

Point being...we need to get the federal government and employers out of healthcare. They are who has caused most of the problems we have today.
Well it's all for naught. Trump just art of the dealed himself into a dark corner by saying he would leave Obamacare intact if the Freedom Caucus doesn't cave. Either way, we're screwed and the Republicans now own it. Barry is laughing his ass off.
As I mentioned, the states would have oversight. They would determine the laws regulating healthcare, and also provide for the safety net.

Point being...we need to get the federal government and employers out of healthcare. They are who has caused most of the problems we have today.
so what is your view on the public health departments? Do you think closing them would be beneficial?
so what is your view on the public health departments? Do you think closing them would be beneficial?
Not necessarily, I just don't want the feds involved with any of it.

Regarding anything like this on the state or local level...I think there will continue to be a need for it, but if it's going to be state or local funded, they would likely be better to privatize it than for the government to run it themselves. Privatizing almost always results in better quality and service for a lower cost.

Do a search for "Sandy Springs, the city that privatized almost everything". Good reading.