The Liberal Left

Far West

Pursuit Driver

Maria Shriver Tweeted:
I’m trying to take a beat to digest the Rittenhouse verdict. My son just asked me how it’s possible that he didn’t get charged for anything. How is that possible? I don’t have an answer for him.

The idea that someone could be out with a semi-automatic weapon, kill people, and walk is stunning. I look forward to hearing from the jury. This is a moment for them to explain how they came to their decision.

Bad look for her. People have tweeted back:

Your son asked you about Ted Kennedy?

Hi Maria, have you talked to your son about Chappaquiddick yet?

Mary Jo Kopechne's family has been asking the same thing for over fifty years.

You clearly didn’t watch the trial. You work in media?

Hmm so he was charged. Then found not guilty, you understand how that’s different right?

Um yeah, Kyle was "charged" with 5 counts that's what the trial was about. The question you should be asking is when will Kyle's attacker Gaige Grosskreutz be "charged with anything"?

