Taliban start confiscating personal weapons

The Sound Guy

Pursuit Driver
Following in the footsteps of other totalitarian regimes, the newly-empowered Taliban has taken to disarming Afghan civilians as one of its first orders of business. The Afghan capital of Kabul fell to the Islamist militants on August 15. By August 16, the Taliban was already confiscating civilian firearms.

A Reuters item from the 16th explained,

Taliban fighters in the Afghan capital, Kabul, started collecting weapons from civilians on Monday because people no longer need them for personal protection, a Taliban official said.

"We understand people kept weapons for personal safety. They can now feel safe. We are not here to harm innocent civilians," the official told Reuters.

The Taliban’s fear of an armed populace is understandable. Prior to the U.S. invasion in 2001, the extremist group ruled over the country with an iron fist. The population was routinely abused for failing to live up to the Taliban’s religious edicts with public punishments including, beheadings, stonings, and dismemberment.


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Let's see if my math is correct here, there are approximately 100k Taliban (and that's a very generous number) and approximately 39M Afghanis so if we make an even trade of 1 Taliban per 1 Afghani it wouldn't take long to rid them from the country. So let's make it even better, let's say 1 Taliban for every 1 gun....it's a very manageable number unless we're using some of that new math.