Went out to spray foam around the windows and doors at our house build since it's required in order to pass the next inspection. I knew it was a nasty job but when the spray can is defective or the gun attachment malfunctions it's a freaking mess. Of two cans I'm pretty sure half was on the floor, ladder, clothes, and boots. To make matters worse the cleaner isn't effective once the foam dries. The Queen had to drive home and I spent 3 hours soaking in acetone which was the only thing that even came close to cutting it. I literally scrapped the skin off my hands to get that crap off. Neither gasoline, kerosene, mineral spirits, nor brake cleaner worked at all.
Went out to spray foam around the windows and doors at our house build since it's required in order to pass the next inspection. I knew it was a nasty job but when the spray can is defective or the gun attachment malfunctions it's a freaking mess. Of two cans I'm pretty sure half was on the floor, ladder, clothes, and boots. To make matters worse the cleaner isn't effective once the foam dries. The Queen had to drive home and I spent 3 hours soaking in acetone which was the only thing that even came close to cutting it. I literally scrapped the skin off my hands to get that crap off. Neither gasoline, kerosene, mineral spirits, nor brake cleaner worked at all.