School Shootings - Caution, long read, but such an important topic

Guard Dad

Staff member
Let me state first that I wanted to put this topic in general discussion instead of politics, because the core issue really isn't political. IMO, the shootings are more of a mental health issue, and probably made worse or triggered by the anger and hate being pushed in our society. More on this later.

But sadly, these horrible shootings always become political, because they are immediately politicized by politicians willing to use the issues in their thirst for power. Take the shooting that happened in Colorado yesterday; politicians wasted no time in a vigil held last night to push for gun control. Even a large group of students there recognized it for what it was, and walked out in protest because what should have been a somber vigil turned into a political power grab.

The presidential candidates wasted no time in politicizing the tragedy

Some of my liberal friends on Facebook immediately cited gun control as the solution yesterday. Even worse, some of them indicated that anyone who doesn't believe as they do or doesn't shout out in favor of gun control doesn't care about the children who have been killed in these shootings. I found those statements to be highly offensive, and the more I thought about it, the more it made me angry.

I questioned in one thread how gun control would have made any difference in these shootings, and suggested that we should concentrate on mental health solutions. Then I was told my partisan BS was not welcome in the thread. There was absolutely noting political or partisan about my post, it was simply using common sense and reason.

Details are still emerging, but it appears that the weapons used in the latest Colorado shooting were household guns that were likely stolen from a parent. Not guns that are illegal or would likely become illegal under any legislation that would be constitutional. If memory serves, the other school shootings were committed using non-automatic weapons as well. And let's be clear, an AR-15 is NOT an automatic rifle and will not do anything a hunting rifle will not do. It's essentially a hunting rifle on a scary military looking frame. They shoot no faster, harder, or more accurately than a deer rifle.

Many of the guns used in these shootings were obtained illegally, either stolen, taken from parents, or in one case purchased by a person who legally shouldn't have been able to buy the gun, but the system in place failed.

So I've been asking the question of my liberal friends; "How would more gun control have stopped these shootings"? None can answer, and most get angry with me for even asking. Some of us older guys will remember a time when kids were taught about guns, how to use them and also to respect them. We'll remember seeing trucks in the high school parking lots with rifles in the back windows. I worked an afterschool job while in high school where I was robbed at gun point twice, and I started carrying one of my dad's pistols to work (with his permission) for self-defense, and it was in my car while in school. This was pretty common here in the south and probably the mid-west,, but we didn't have school shootings. We had guns right there in the school parking lot, but it just didn't happen.

So what changed? As mentioned above, guns have always been available, and probably in greater number among teens decades ago than now. So why do so many think guns are the problem?

My sole reason for asking how gun control would have helped is because the immediate emotional calls for gun control when these tragedies occur is focusing the debate on an issue that will not solve the problem, and effectively keeping us from coming together to find solutions to the real causes behind school shootings. The left immediately screams gun control, and the right immediately fires back to protect our 2nd Amendment rights.

And nothing of substance gets done. Nothing!

I don't think there is any doubt that mental illness is a huge factor in these shootings. We must do more in that area. This is not my area of expertise and I don't have all the answers, but I'm pretty sure we have people who can find some answers if we really want them. IMO, there are other things that play into this. There's so much anger and division being pushed in our country. We constantly hear the media and politicians calling people or groups racist, even when they aren't. We hear daily about the battles over sexism and sexuality. The country has become so hypersensitive to race, gender, sexuality, etc, etc that most of us seem to stay offended about something all the time. We're being systematically divided, and I believe there is an intentional reason for that, but this is a topic for another discussion.

One of the common denominators in most of the school shootings was bullying and ridicule. Now, let me be clear that I do not condone bullying in any form or fashion, but the way many are trying to handle the issue today is only making things worse. Bullying is part of human nature, and as hard as we might try to stop it, we never will fully do so. The modern solution for bullying is to pet the one being bullied, and then call out the bully. I'm fine with calling out the bully, but this petting of the one being bullied is just making things worse. What we should be doing is helping them be strong enough to be able to handle the bullying or ridicule while knowing that they are loved, and that it's the bully who has the problem. I was bullied sometimes as a kid. I was ridiculed over stupid stuff. I suspect most of us where at one time or another. It's just a part of being a kid, and kids can sometimes be brutal. Talk to your children, let them know that they are loved, let them know that there is nothing wrong with them, and that it's the bully who has insecurities and is trying to feel better about himself by tearing down others.

How many of these politicians brought up looking into mental illness solutions right after these awful shootings? Did the news media concentrate on mental illness or the hate and anger in our county? Nope, just gun control. And the facts say gun control would not have prevented these shootings.

Where am I going with this? I'm not sure, I just know that I'm sick and tired of being told I don't care about these children because I want to look at real solutions instead of emotional knee-jerk reactions that will do no good. I'm sick of the issue being politicized, and that keeping us from looking at real solutions. And I'm tired of being called a partisan, when in reality I'm the one who has been saying all along that it's partisanship that is keeping this country from actually solving many of the problems we face.

Comments and discussion welcome, maybe we can come up with some real ideas. Most of you here are pretty rational and can look past the party line to find answers. We need more of that in this country.
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One more point I want to make to those who claim if we don't support gun control, we don't care about the children who were killed in school shootings.

2018 was the worst year for school shootings. A grand total of 113 children and adults were killed in this shootings.

Let me be crystal clear, just one killed is unacceptable.

The point I want to make is, most who are outraged at guns because of school shootings also support the law that allowed 638,169 unborn children to be terminated in 2018. Yes, that is almost three quarters of a million lives lost to a procedure that they want kept legal and obtainable.

So tell me again who does or doesn't care about the children.
Pubby, is that you? :D

For those not aware: Pubby has a history of writing really long posts at another site.

Short answers:
1. People want an easy fix. 'Gun control' sounds like an easy and quick fix for those that aren't willing or able to think logically about the issue.
2. Many on the left don't like guns and want to control people. Removing or limiting access to guns gives them more control.
Well, yes, the Democrats do want to disarm the public, and their reasons are further reaching than just this. But we would never convince the left of that, so no point in throwing it into any discussion with them.

I'd be happy just to get past the two "sides" that are squared off so we could make some progress.
There is no legislative fix for social problems. The government is not your therapist, mother, or religious leader. Government is force.

I do believe that parents should take charge of their households. Most of these kids get their guns from their parents, and most are unfamiliar with guns.

Teach your children. Keep guns locked up when children are around. For crying out loud if your child is having emotional problems consider removing guns from the household. This is common sense.

If government has any role it would be educating parents and children alike in the safe use and danger of weapons, particularly in the hands of an unstable person
I wonder what would happen if the parents of a high school kid that did a shooting...
Were tried in court as accomplices of the criminal???

Also... we NEVER hear a toxicology report on the shooter...
Was his/her blood full of prescription drugs... like anti-depressants or mood altering drugs???
Seems that information is taboo... wonder how much that is costing the FDA and big pharma to keep that quiet???
I think more responsibility for securing one's guns is probably forthcoming. I just hope the government doesn't get stupid about it.

What am I saying, of course they will get stupid about it.
And he didn't use a gun
Exactly. He used dynamite. A person could drive a vehicle loaded with explosives and a detonator to crash into a building or an outdoor event with thousands of people and cause more deaths than a man with an AR-15. Vehicle IEDs are commonly used by Islamic terrorists. We saw IEDs used at the Boston marathon a few years ago. What's to say some nut job or terrorist organization does not do something similar here in the future?

At most federal buildings you will see some type of barrier in place to prevent a vehicle from being driven through the entrances of buildings. I think the state should do the same thing for our schools and state buildings. Our county governments should place such barriers at its buildings, i.e. courthouses.
I was thinking about what I posted above. If someone were to drove a van loaded with explosives into a building killing dozens of people; would the Democrats call for banning vans? Would they call them "assault vans?" Of course I'm being facetious (that means flippant GD), but the point is if someone wants to kill a large number at one time, terrorists have demonstrated that can be accomplished without guns.
I think Europe made it very tough to have guns, so swords an vehicles have been the more common way to do a lot of damage to innocent people.
Crazy will find a way to carry out murder, if that's what they are plotting.
I had originally typed...."which is your preferred method to die? By gunshot, stabbing, strangulation, or other" but I edited it out so nobody would take it the wrong way. A mentally unstable person will find a way to do evil no matter what is legislated.
I've said a million times that these perpetrators are known to the mental health and/or law enforcement communities. For 90 percent of them, this ain't their first crazy rodeo.
I was thinking about what I posted above. If someone were to drove a van loaded with explosives into a building killing dozens of people; would the Democrats call for banning vans? Would they call them "assault vans?" Of course I'm being facetious (that means flippant GD), but the point is if someone wants to kill a large number at one time, terrorists have demonstrated that can be accomplished without guns.

I know I sound like a broken record (repeating the same thing)...
However there is a group of polecats which want to dis-arm the country... and they do not care how they go about it!
And if we let them... for ANY reason... we WILL regret it... guaranteed!