


You know those old sayins our older loved ones use to tell us

what were some of your faves....

Here are a few of mine

My friends mom says
"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian."

My 85 year old poopaw says
" some people are so stupid that they don't even know they are stupid and that is the worst kind of stupid"

my mom says
"I get so confused sometimes I don't know if I should whind my butt or wipe my watch"
I like, "I'm hangin' in there like a hair in a biscuit.
Don’t let your victories go to your head, or your failures go to your heart.

My mom.....
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.
My dad and my grandmother (his mom) had some "doozies". :)) Some days I really wish I could remember them all. I'll have to add a few "Dadism's" later tonight. :D
Foxmeister said:
I'm finer than a frog's hair.

My grandmother used to say that........I'm finer than a frog's hair split in the corners......or " split three ways"....which ever :laugh
Jack Reacher said:
Guard Dad said:
"The smeller is the feller"

JR's co-workers


Maybe I should "Stomp a mud hole in your butt and walk it dry" ;D

That reminded me of my ex.....we were shopping at walmart one evening and this guy jumped in front of me at the cash register......and my ex looked at him and said..........What do you think your doing? and the guy said.....the lady over there told me too.......and my ex said......"Did she tell you what to do after I slap the taste out of your mouth"
My wife's grandmother used ta say "well poop in one hand, and wish in the other and see which one fills up first"
my mom says this all the time when someone gets on her nerves and I have found that I say it alot to :laugh "I swear they will worry the hair off a gnats a$$" :laugh
My great granny would always say "It's colder than a frog's rear end "

And now I say that
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.