San Francisco Dems - what stupidity

I saw that this morning. I love how they can't seem to solve any serious problems but they've mastered how to sugar coat them. Next they'll call their homeless crowd world traveling gypsies.
Love the comments:

Wait, what? “Justice-involved person?" Well since they are not convicted felons, that means they can legally own a firearm.

This reads like it's right out of the Onion. It really would be funny if it were in The Onion however now it's just absolutely sad!

You can call a Trump supporter anything you want. Just don’t label a violent ex-con a felon.

"Some people did something" (9/11)

San Francisco is on fire and the Nero council is fiddling with words while their city burns.


Since the murder of the unborn is called a “choice” and those who approve of it are called “pro-choice” Maybe serial killers are the most pro-choice of anyone. Just call them “dedicated pro-choice activists”. Oh....wait.

Shop lifter - one who is deficient in recognizing checkout lines

Shooting a law enforcement officer will now be classified as "an errant, high velocity metal projectile penetrating an innocent bystander clad in Blue."

What would they rebrand a rapist to? "alternative boyfriends"? Rapists are just “unwanted partners”.

Someone needs to explain the old adage to them, "People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones"!!