Rush Limbaugh RIP

I just read that.


On a personal level, he helped me craft some of my own opinions on social and political issues.

I'll miss him.

Let the hate filled rhetoric from the left begin.
Oh man, I hate that. I was a huge fan years ago!

Say what you will about the man, but he opened a lot of people's eyes to all the crap that goes on in government.
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Hate to hear that, he fought one heck of a fight with cancer. He will be missed by conservatives everywhere.
He will be missed, I suppose those big cigars who stoked for years finally got the best of him. I'm sure the libs are dancing in the streets.
My bar is deliberately set artificially low for libtards yet they continue to stumble and roll under it.
That's an interesting thought on Trump taking over the Rush show. That very idea was suggested by a caller to the Rush show guest host Mark Steyn 2 or 3 weeks ago. Mark Steyn responded that it would be a terrific platform, but didn't think Trump would quite fit the mold of what would be required of a talk radio show host. He opined that it was a lot more work of a mundane nature than what Trump would be willing to put up with, particularly the things that have to be done behind the scenes. However, he did counter with the thought that Trump might make a fantastic co-host, where he could just come in and offer commentary and opinions.
In 1993 I worked with a man who said I should buy one of Rush's books for my father-in-law for Christmas.

I did not get my father-in-law the book, as I did not know who Rush was, but I casually mentioned that a co-worker recommended the book for him. My father in law had a horrible reaction and said, "Why would I want a book from that pompous ass?"

I was a bit shocked, because I knew my co worker was a conservative person who I respected a lot... then I had to look into who Rush was.

Back then I usually voted Independent... and my political views were more at a local San Diego level as I had many friends who, since the mid 80's, had been working for Conservative City Council members. (Most of San Diego at that time was conservative.) It was then that I realized my father in law, who lived near Berkeley, CA, went to UC Berkeley for his Masters in Public Health... was a liberal, not a conservative. Back then I did not care too much for or about politics, other than I thought maybe Ross Perot would be a good start to a third party...

I have never listened much to Rush, but when I learned of him, it defined who my father-in-law was, and explained some of the reasons my father-in-law and I had a strained relationship over the years. Oddly when I think of Rush, I think of my father-in-law. Both could bloviate... but on different sides of the fence.

I do think without Rush, our country would have been overthrown by the progressives by now. I think Rush paved the way for other conservative talk show hosts and proved there was an audience, despite the MSM being radical liberal.

RIP Rush
I thought this one was interesting.
"The idea that you say artificially nice things about people after they die is weird. I've never understood the logic of it. Rush Limbaugh was a terrible person while he was alive. He made a living by attacking the powerless. His death does not in anyway change or redeem that," the Young Turks host Cenk Uygur tweeted.
He attacked the powerless? Huh? I think what this person really meant to say was this, "He made a living attacking the intellectually challenged socialistic snowflakes like me."
I never listened to Rush until he was syndicated on WSB. Even then I was not a devotee but I have listened to his show numerous times. I too found him a little pompous but very good at his job. I believe he was a true patriot and loved this country. I also believe no one can fill his shoes as far as being the next Rush. Of all his guest hosts I like Mark Steyn the best. I think he is quick witted and Monty Python like with his parodies on politicians. He is brutal towards the left but in a satirical humorous way that probably goes over the heads of most of the snowflakes.