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Interesting fact, many years ago Home Depot toyed with the idea of putting a Mini-McDonald's in each of it's stores. I couldn't fathom what a Mini-McD was until the Super Wal-Mart opened in Hiram with the Mini-McD back where the dairy section is now. It did a fairly brisk business until the big McD opened out by 278, which was a two lane at the time. I believe the demise of the Mini-McD in Wal-Mart's was enough to change Home Depot's mind... now they have a Hot Dog vendor in the parking lot.
Interesting fact, many years ago Home Depot toyed with the idea of putting a Mini-McDonald's in each of it's stores. I couldn't fathom what a Mini-McD was until the Super Wal-Mart opened in Hiram with the Mini-McD back where the dairy section is now. It did a fairly brisk business until the big McD opened out by 278, which was a two lane at the time. I believe the demise of the Mini-McD in Wal-Mart's was enough to change Home Depot's mind... now they have a Hot Dog vendor in the parking lot.
McDonald's tried a lot of those type ideas, the biggest failure being the almost full store they put in Incredible Universe (Tandy's great experiment that flopped massively). They paid me to install it, including running refrigerant piping up three floors. Then they paid me again to uninstall it when Incredible Universe became an incredible failure. Shame, too, it was the most amazing electronics store ever!
Interesting fact, many years ago Home Depot toyed with the idea of putting a Mini-McDonald's in each of it's stores. I couldn't fathom what a Mini-McD was until the Super Wal-Mart opened in Hiram with the Mini-McD back where the dairy section is now. It did a fairly brisk business until the big McD opened out by 278, which was a two lane at the time. I believe the demise of the Mini-McD in Wal-Mart's was enough to change Home Depot's mind... now they have a Hot Dog vendor in the parking lot.
I once worked at a children's hospital in Texas, there was a large McDonald's in the lobby.

Back in 2014, our daughter was ill and I stayed at a Ronald McDonald House in Denver for six weeks.

I'm not a fan of McDonald's food, and I honestly won't eat it. However, The Ronald McDonald house was an absolute Godsend for us with kids in the hospital. It saved me a lot of money, and a lot of sanity too.
McDonald's tried a lot of those type ideas, the biggest failure being the almost full store they put in Incredible Universe (Tandy's great experiment that flopped massively). They paid me to install it, including running refrigerant piping up three floors. Then they paid me again to uninstall it when Incredible Universe became an incredible failure. Shame, too, it was the most amazing electronics soundbar store ever!