Political aspect of George Floyd case and rioting


Pursuit Driver
From a political perspective, is there anything Trump can do between now and November that might help him get re-elected? I guess the first question is if he is even capable of coming up with and implementing a solution to the problem of bad cops killing black people (read note below). Assuming he is capable, what could he or the republicans do that quickly that might win over a larger portion of the black vote?

Note: 99.9999% (or more) of all cops are honorable and dedicated to doing a great job. However, as is the case with any group, there are some bad cops. I also know that some white people have died while in police custody but, let's be honest, this isn't as significant of an issue as it is with the black community. Also, yes, I know more blacks are killed by other blacks in cities like Chicago but, let's be honest again, that isn't as much of a concern among the black community.
A couple of things first:

An awful lot of people have jumped the gun assuming the George Floyd case was racially motivated. I'm not saying it wasn't, it might have very well been. But just the fact that Floyd was black is not enough to make it a race thing. I've read that the other three cops were Mexican, Somalian, and Asian; so pretty diverse group there. We as a country need to stop jumping to conclusions like this. Of course, the Democrats and the media want it to be a race thing, so they have cultivated that mindset.

Please understand that I'm merely quoting statistics here. The biggest reason more blacks are killed by cops in the inner cities is because it's mostly blacks committing the crime. We have a cultural issue in the inner cities that we all need to fix. As a conservative, I see part of the solution as revitalizing the economic communities in such area, as well as doing a better job with education. But, that doesn't always fit the political narratives that some have.

Last I checked the statistics, more total white people are killed by cops than black people. This seems to get lost in the shuffle.

Having said...yes, there is a problem in many of the law enforcement agencies that sometimes leads to police using excessive force or at the very least treading on individual rights. I have experienced the latter myself. As putty tat boy said, there are bad apples in every bunch, but I truly believe that most cops are just trying to serve and protect. I would NOT want to be a cop in this environment!

On to Trump...I think he will easily win, but not a single one of us need to get complacent. The best thing he could do it to get the economy rolling again, but I'm not sure we have the time for that before the election. Even if he can show a positive direction, demonstrate that things are moving in the right direction.

In the current political environment, I'm not sure there's anything Trump could do concerning the Floyd case that wouldn't be twisted around on him. IMO, the best thing he can do is to let people know the feds are there to help whenever needed but try to stay out of the middle of it. The Dems and the media will crucify him no matter what he says or does.

Beyond that, stay the hell off Twitter (like that's gonna happen) and be a strong leader.
Well that’s an easy one, just keep doing what got him elected the first time around. The bigger question is there anything he can do to keep himself from being re-elected.

I voted for him the first time around and have no reason to vote for anyone else this time. I would consider it if there was a legitimate contender, it’s just not Biden (or Coumo). I honestly feel Trump does love our country, her ideals, and our freedoms. I can’t say that about any other candidate. He’s not perfect, he’s merely a man. I don’t like everything he does, he’s merely a politician. But at least I know what I get with him and feel he’s the best for the job at this moment in time.
Trump needs to make a speech to the nation. I have no idea what he would say that might help the situation but he needs to do something even if it's purely political. Aside from his tweets, he appears to be missing in action in all of this (remember...perception is reality).
Never under estimate the ignorance and "white guilt" of millions of American voters. They elected a community leader to two terms. Just watch the news during these riots. DJT may be in big trouble if he does not show some leadership. He is going to have to address the economy (not his fault COVID) and perceived race issues or he could be in big trouble even facing a total zero like Creepy Joe. The cards are stacked against him by the biased media as it is.
I agree Trump needs to demonstrate strong leadership by getting in front of the nation and addressing these riots intelligently while demonstrating compassion and fairness.
Never under estimate the ignorance and "white guilt" of millions of American voters. They elected a community leader to two terms. Just watch the news during these riots. DJT may be in big trouble if he does not show some leadership. He is going to have to address the economy (not his fault COVID) and perceived race issues or he could be in big trouble even facing a total zero like Creepy Joe. The cards are stacked against him by the biased media as it is.
I agree Trump needs to demonstrate strong leadership by getting in front of the nation and addressing these riots intelligently while demonstrating compassion and fairness.

There is a problem though. He could (and should) make a speech to the nation and that may help. The speech will be written largely by someone else and will go through a vetting process. All that is good. But then he'll get on Twitter and tweet something stupid to negate any positives from the speech. The man has no self-control.
But then he'll get on Twitter and tweet something stupid to negate any positives from the speech. The man has no self-control.
You can bank on it but at least it will be Twittered in a complete sentence which is better than what Biden would say.
Nevermind about the trip across the street....it was a bad idea. Speech was good though so there's that.
Not saying this applies to you, but a lot of people on Facebook didn't even see it and they think the trip across the street is bad because the news told them it was.

I haven't had time to watch it.
Not saying this applies to you, but a lot of people on Facebook didn't even see it and they think the trip across the street is bad because the news told them it was.

I haven't had time to watch it.

I watched it live. At the time, I thought it was a good gesture aside from the awkward way he held the Bible (what's up with that?!?!?!). But kicking out protesters (not rioters) for the photo op was just bad optics.
I watched it live. At the time, I thought it was a good gesture aside from the awkward way he held the Bible (what's up with that?!?!?!). But kicking out protesters (not rioters) for the photo op was just bad optics.
I wonder if all that was accurately reported? Not saying it wasn't, I just trust the news media less than a fart after binging on Taco Bell.