Police Investigating Case of Woman Who Blamed Trump after Giving Her Husband Fish-Tank Cleaner

I guess in this case she should have listened to CNN, unless of course her husband has gills.
Could the reason for the investigation is because police suspect she murdered her husband?

The Washington Free Beacon, which first reported that Wanda was a “prolific” Democratic donor and that she had a troubling relationship with her husband that included a previous domestic assault charge, revealed Tuesday night that Mesa City Police Department is conducting a criminal investigation into the death of Gary, and requested recordings of the Free Beacon’s interviews with Wanda.

...friends of the deceased man were skeptical that he would knowingly consume fish-tank cleaner.

“What bothers me about this is that Gary was a very intelligent man, a retired [mechanical] engineer who designed systems for John Deere in Waterloo, Iowa, and I really can’t see the scenario where Gary would say, ‘Yes, please, I would love to drink some of that Koi fish tank cleaner,'” one of his close friends told the Washington Free Beacon. “It just doesn’t make any sense.”