Obama's sex and drugs secrets laid bare

So he had three girlfriends in his life, proposed to one twice, and married the black one to go further in his political career. Throw in cocaine from the 80's and living with "Pakis" who were drug dealers. Seeking out women who have never felt like they fit in... you have the nerd 0bama.

He is so unremarkable. He has never accomplished anything. He has been puppeted by Valerie Jarrett and the Alinskis, and people who work for Sorros... so glad he and all those bad people are no longer making policy.

I think as the years go by people will be shocked at who elevated 0bama with their cash, influence, and backroom deals. Go back to the corrupt Chicago ties of the progressives there and history will not be kind.

Or, maybe people are too stupid and non-curious to learn how obama went from community organizer to beating out Hillary Clinton to become President after less than 2 years as a senator. (Goodness knows those who should have vetted his lack of background never did.)
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I still maintain that Obama was a hand picked and groomed for the job of president by Soros or someone like him who wants to see the U.S. weakened economically and militarily. His job was to damage us and move us further toward Socialism, and he did just that.

Had Hillary won, I still think we might have never recovered.
I still maintain that Obama was a hand picked and groomed for the job of president by Soros or someone like him who wants to see the U.S. weakened economically and militarily. His job was to damage us and move us further toward Socialism, and he did just that.

Had Hillary won, I still think we might have never recovered.
I agree.

I hope I am still alive when the truth comes out... with the internet I think it will happen earlier than what has eventually been revealed about other presidents and their administrations.