Obama says coronavirus response has been a ‘chaotic disaster,' blames ‘selfish’ mindset

Guard Dad

Staff member
Because the Dems say so. Nevermind the facts that the administration did exactly what Fauci and Birx said to do, and when they said to do it.

I love how the Democrats have been saying the response to the virus was all wrong, yet they don't say what they would have done had they been in charge. If they think we should not have sheltered in place and we could have lost hundreds of thousands of Americans or perhaps much more. Here is what they don't get; a leader utilizes all his assets to their upmost ability. He listens to his subject matter experts because they are the experts. Utilizing his subject matter experts, he formulates a strategy and then implements it. That's what Trump did. The Dems on the other hand did nothing but complain. Heck, if Trump said the sky was blue; they would say it's not.
I love how the Democrats have been saying the response to the virus was all wrong, yet they don't say what they would have done had they been in charge. If they think we should not have sheltered in place and we could have lost hundreds of thousands of Americans or perhaps much more. Here is what they don't get; a leader utilizes all his assets to their upmost ability. He listens to his subject matter experts because they are the experts. Utilizing his subject matter experts, he formulates a strategy and then implements it. That's what Trump did. The Dems on the other hand did nothing but complain. Heck, if Trump said the sky was blue; they would say it's not.
The Democrats opposed his early measures, the travel bans, boarder closures, etc.

Damn hypocrites, they are