Not white, male, and straight,” you “fear” a Trump presidency.

Far West

Pursuit Driver does not speak for me...I'm not a white straight male... but I do not fear Trump.:dunno: I love reading the comments. A string of comments from Latino, Indian, and black men... women too... Here are a few:

[Straight Latino Male here. I breathed the biggest sigh of relief when Trump won the presidency.]

Straight East Indian male here. So did I! Actually, scratch that. The truth is that I was so overwhelmed with joy that I almost broke out into friggen tears, and I kid you not!

"I'm with you as well! It's almost as if we don't exist to the "open-minded" left."

Emma dela Cruz 5 hours ago
Latina here. Mother from Chiapas State, father's family fled Nicaragua in the 1980's. Both legal immigrants and then, naturalized citizens. I voted Trump! My family went through many hurdles to become citizens of this country. I was schooled on socialist/Marxist tactics on my grandmother's knee. I know what they did in Nicaragua. It cost my family their lands and my grandfather and uncle their lives. I recognize the same tactics being played out here. No friggin way!! Not EVER! Our elders say, " By bullet or by boat, you Will Leave OUR Lands!!!"
The ignorance and hate that's being put out by the left is beyond outrageous!

But I really think it's going to backfire on them. Exit polling I saw after the election indicated that being called racists and bigots, as well as the increased racial division under the last administration were major factors for people who voted for Trump.

This will eventually catch up with the Democrats. The rest of us who want to see a stop to this race baiting and division are rising up to take our country back from the forces of evil (OK, that's a little dramatic, but I needed to make a point).
The ignorance and hate that's being put out by the left is beyond outrageous!

But I really think it's going to backfire on them. Exit polling I saw after the election indicated that being called racists and bigots, as well as the increased racial division under the last administration were major factors for people who voted for Trump.

This will eventually catch up with the Democrats. The rest of us who want to see a stop to this race baiting and division are rising up to take our country back from the forces of evil (OK, that's a little dramatic, but I needed to make a point).
I think the left has messed up.. the right does not become violent... we are too busy at work... we are now the underdog because of their violence.
Rules for Radicals
#11 “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.