Momentum slipping?


Let's Go Brandon!!!
Staff member
Is it just me or does it seem the conservative outlets are reeling in some of their enthusiasm over Romney's recent surge? I've noticed a gradual shift in their confidence over the last 2 days, or at least that's the way I perceive it. Today I even heard El Rushbo say he expects Obama to win re-election and I read where Dick Morris is now calling it a virtual tie. Hopefully I'm wrong, or even better, it's their strategy going into the last weekend. No reason to wake sleeping democrats with the election this close.

By the numbers, it does seem to have tightened back up. I'm not as confident as I was a few days ago.

It's still gonna be decided by turnout. The polls count people who say they are going to vote, but the real story will be in who actually does vote.
I don't know man. I still see the enthusiasm all my friends have for Romney better than ever. They all are confident this is Obama's only term.
Just doesn't make sense to me, even if he is beginning to slip, now is not the time to play that card. Keep momentum up and offer a big cup of confidence to go with your bowl of enthusiasm. That's why I'm thinking it could be a strategy, not to go overboard going into the weekend. Don't rile up the other side, let them slumber.
Some of the momentum of the last two weeks appears to be slipping, mostly due to what is perceived by the public as a "Presidential" response to Sandy. I don't know how long CNN, ABC, and CBS can stay out of Brooklyn though (NBC will run cartoons before reporting anything about unrest). The mood might change drastically by Monday as folks go another three days without adequate food, water, and sanitation. That really could be the entire difference in the election. It is going to be razor close.

I hope that Romney keeps Florida and Colorado, and picks up Nevada, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, and North Carolina. Then we watch Virginia and Ohio, two states where he has slipped back. It will be virtually impossible if he loses both of these states.
Hubby thinks the conservatives should keep quiet, and let the 0bama voters think they have it in the bag...then many may not bother to go out and vote.
Far West said:
Hubby thinks the conservatives should keep quiet, and let the 0bama voters think they have it in the bag...then many may not bother to go out and vote.

Smart man!! BTW, Sandy's horrific impact is beginning to show. People are cold, hungry, tired and very, very angry. One guy went to the laundromat to wash his clothes, took two hours. While he was gone, his apartment was looted.
naturegirl said:
Far West said:
Hubby thinks the conservatives should keep quiet, and let the 0bama voters think they have it in the bag...then many may not bother to go out and vote.

Smart man!! BTW, Sandy's horrific impact is beginning to show. People are cold, hungry, tired and very, very angry. One guy went to the laundromat to wash his clothes, took two hours. While he was gone, his apartment was looted.

I think the disorder and chaos are going to erupt over this weekend.

No food, power, running water ...things will be very ugly, very quickly - going on days 5 and 6 - while Bloomberg kicks them out of the hotels, so that the people coming into the city for a marathon can use their reservation? The cops needed to keep order, will be working the marathon…with the generators… that should be used to help the victims!

Too sad. Lots of prayer for those in the North affected by this storm!
lotstodo said:
Some of the momentum of the last two weeks appears to be slipping, mostly due to what is perceived by the public as a "Presidential" response to Sandy. I don't know how long CNN, ABC, and CBS can stay out of Brooklyn though (NBC will run cartoons before reporting anything about unrest). The mood might change drastically by Monday as folks go another three days without adequate food, water, and sanitation. That really could be the entire difference in the election. It is going to be razor close.

I hope that Romney keeps Florida and Colorado, and picks up Nevada, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, and North Carolina. Then we watch Virginia and Ohio, two states where he has slipped back. It will be virtually impossible if he loses both of these states.
I watched some of Rock Center with Brian Williams last night and they showed the people crying and the devastation. They interviewed the people that were watching dead bodies still being carried out on a street on Staten Island. They also showed the complaining of no food, no water, and no help.
J-man said:
Is it just me or does it seem the conservative outlets are reeling in some of their enthusiasm over Romney's recent surge? I've noticed a gradual shift in their confidence over the last 2 days, or at least that's the way I perceive it. Today I even heard El Rushbo say he expects Obama to win re-election and I read where Dick Morris is now calling it a virtual tie. Hopefully I'm wrong, or even better, it's their strategy going into the last weekend. No reason to wake sleeping democrats with the election this close.

Reading some of the same stuff. I am still looking for a win by Romney.
I've heard stories about the long lines in 1980...

And I am watching stories about long lines today...

Big turnout usually spells doom for the incumbent...

Tonight at the Hiram football game, a young black man, possibly high school age, was walking the bleachers holding a Romney/Ryan sign! And, according to my son, telling the young kids he saw to tell their parents to vote for Romney.
New York is about to get very a big way. And also, some of the other networks are starting to ask questions on Libya.
im still does give me bad heart burn just thinking about it
Madea said:
Tonight at the Hiram football game, a young black man, possibly high school age, was walking the bleachers holding a Romney/Ryan sign! And, according to my son, telling the young kids he saw to tell their parents to vote for Romney.

I'm glad he has the courage to be an independent thinker. I'm sure he has caught some crap for openly supporting Romney.
None of the outlets I generally read (I don't watch any news) are negative at this point. Everybody from Ace of Spades to Instapundit to HotAir is very upbeat. In addition, Michael Barone - THE smartest man in politics, IMHO, and who has visited every Congressional district in the country, is predicting a Romney win, and he NEVER does anything incautious. Oh, and he says Romney will win with 315 EV. !!!

I'm like Sadie...I'm nervous and scared, but optimistic at the same time.
mei lan said:
None of the outlets I generally read (I don't watch any news) are negative at this point. Everybody from Ace of Spades to Instapundit to HotAir is very upbeat. In addition, Michael Barone - THE smartest man in politics, IMHO, and who has visited every Congressional district in the country, is predicting a Romney win, and he NEVER does anything incautious. Oh, and he says Romney will win with 315 EV. !!!

I'm like Sadie...I'm nervous and scared, but optimistic at the same time.
