Make your prediction

Of course, if some of our bestest newest drivers will ask a buddy to join up, we could hit it by tomorrow night.....HINT...HINT! :WO
:eek: :eek: :eek:Let me go find some friends to invite........

OH WAIT THEY ARE ALL HERE ....and didn't tell me!!!! :)) :p
Hmmm...things will need to get rolling if we are to hit the goal by Sunday, but we can do it! :WO
If Fridays are as busy for everyone else as they are for me, we'll probably see less traffic at the end of each week. Today I'm not as busy as usual for a Friday (or I'm just distracted!)
Yea.... I should probably go do some work. *sigh*

But I may sneak out a little later and make a run to Patak's for some meat for the weekend.