Lancet Formally Retracts Fake Hydroxychloroquine Study Used By Media To Attack Trump

During my first tour in Afghanistan, all military personnel had to take chloroquine daily for the prevention of malaria. Nobody in my unit suffered any ill-effects from taking it. Somebody most likely in the medical or pharmaceutical profession had to have suggested this drug to Trump as a preventive for COVID-19. I doubt seriously Trump came up with this on his own.

A couple of hundred thousand troops taking this drug with no reports of deaths or serious illnesses reported, should have been an indicator that taking it did not result in serious illnesses and death as the MSM was making out after Trump's suggestion. I'm glad this BS study has been debunked, but unfortunately it will not be reported by the MSM.
This goes far beyond this one study, and it has nothing to do with Trump. The main database of patients used for dozens of Covid studies was found to be either horribly inaccurate, or more likely fraudulent. The company that claimed to have and own the rights to the huge database was discovered to have only a handful of employees and when Australia pointed out gross errors in their data, all the "employees" lawyered up. The perpetrators collected millions of dollars for the use of the data by government and private researchers. This is a huge setback.