Jo Jorgensen is Libertarian nominee for President


aka "The Jackal"
I have to say that I am mildly surprised by this. She was always in the top 5 but I think she was the compromise candidate. At least Vermin Supreme's reign of terror is over.

I have nothing against her except she is a pure academic. I do think she represents the platform well, but her debate skills are right up there with Gary Johnson. Meh.

Yet another Libertarian candidate whom your average voter had never heard of and has a near zero statistical chance of winning.

Great job, Libertarians.
Really missed an opportunity when Justin Amish got the "no true Libertarian" horse hockey from many of the delegates. He would have done well in debates.

The point of a Libertarian Presidential candidate is to carry the torch and spread the gospel to a national audience. This supports local candidates for office who have an actual chance. The party is under no delusion that they have a real.chance of winning at this point. JMHO, bit they won't have that chance unless they can attract disaffected candidates from the major party or there is a truly decisive moment in politics like that which propelled George Wallace or Ross Perot.
The party needs some strong leadership that understands how to attract better candidates,a nd then how to promote their candidates well before the election. We should have been hearing about these people two years ago. I realize that the media won't carry the Libertarians like they do the two major parties, but the party needs to raise enough money to promote them on their own.

If they had leadership who knew what they were doing, they could become more viable.
The party needs some strong leadership that understands how to attract better candidates,a nd then how to promote their candidates well before the election. We should have been hearing about these people two years ago. I realize that the media won't carry the Libertarians like they do the two major parties, but the party needs to raise enough money to promote them on their own.

If they had leadership who knew what they were doing, they could become more viable.
The actual party is in shambles. It is a battle between the Mises wing and the rest. While Mises was a great libertarian economist and thinker, his followers from Lew Rockwell to Tom Woods have been "problematic".

This when combined with the young kids just there for the pot makes any cohesive action impossible. I really had hope for the tea party movement until it was usurped by a battle between the alt right and the evangelicals.
Dare I say it.... Who?

I think I am more informed than many, I have never heard of her... but I also don't follow any libertarian platform or forum.

I would love a viable third party that is conservative/constitutionally based, instead of the pubs and dems who are all in it for lining their pockets, constituents be damned.

I was excited for the Tea Party.

I still can't believe nothing has ever been done about President Obama’s IRS who targeted conservative groups. For more than two years prior to the 2012 presidential election the IRS targeted tax exemption requests filed by a collection of conservative groups and Tea Party organizations. Lois Lerner, who was central to the IRS scandal, retired on full pension after invoking her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination before Congress. She instructed IRS agents to audit them or their founders to the point that they were unable to get status and faced inordinate delays.

A 2012 American Enterprise Institute study found that tea-party organizations substantially increased conservative turnout in the 2010 midterms by using get-out-the-vote drives, legislative advocacy and even candidate ads. The IRS's suppression of those groups in the following years might have given 0bama’s re-election a boost.
Those pictures weren't of me I swear.

As for running for office my colorful past might not help in today's nasty political climate.
When people tell me I should run for office, I reply test I don't want to find out who all I slept with 30 years ago.
When people tell me I should run for office, I reply test I don't want to find out who all I slept with 30 years ago.
I have no idea what I wore to party in college. I barely remember college. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a KKK outfit, but there may have been some nudity involved, and I dare anyone to listen to Dark Side of the Moon or watch Fraggle Rock straight.