Iowa Democratic caucus problems...

The biggest loser among the candidates in the caucus is Biden. He kept telling everyone he was the most electable. Now that right there is funny; especially after this caucus.
Iowa was a YUGE hit for the Democrats, in several ways.

1) It makes them look like a bunch of incompetent fools (which they are)
2) Biden is the only candidate that polls consistently showed beating Trump (though I don't think he would have), and he is tanking fast. The ONLY reason he was the front runner is because in this field of nutball candidates, he was the only well-known one that voters felt safe with. But as I predicted, the more exposure he gets, the more voters see that he's not hitting on all cylinders. I think we'll see him steadily decline now.
3) Bernie is now the Dem's front runner, and this is great news for the GOP. Even the Democratic leadership knows that Bernie is a loony toon, and they will NOT allow him to get the nomination. The party is terrified at the prospect of Bernie being their nominee, and they are plaotting even now to bring him down, just as they did four years ago.

So who will be the nominee? My guess as of right now is either Bloomy or Buttigieg. More and more, I'm thinking the DNC migt get behind (no pun intended) Buttigieg. Compared to the loonies, he comes across as more centrist and reasonable, and I'm hearing that some in the DNC think they can use the "historical" aspect of him being the first openly gay president to their advantage.