I love me some pizza...


God, Family, and Country!!!
Staff member
...especially some from Johnny’s Pizza. But even theirs isn’t worth waiting 1 hour and 25 minutes for it to be ready FOR TAKEOUT!!!

When the order was placed they said 30-45 minutes which is completed expected on a Friday night. We expected them to be behind so we got there 40 minutes after we placing the order. Three visits inside to check on it and another 45 minutes later we finally had our pizza.

I know....First World issue...but we’re talking Friday night pizza so it’s serious business.

To top it off the young girls says “enjoy your evening” as I left. I wanted to say my evening was spent waiting in your parking lot but I surprised myself and just said thank you. It wasn’t her fault and it wouldn’t have changed the outcome to be ugly to her.

BTW, it was a dang good pizza...but not 85 minutes good.
Our local.pizza joint really makes the tourists mad. This is a mom and pop that has one, count them one, single wood fired pizza oven. Each pizza takes 6 minutes. They only make enough doughs for one day. This gives new meaning to call ahead.

But you see we have tasted this pizza, and the less the tourists eat, the more that's left for us. Best pizza In have ever put into my mouth.
Our local.pizza joint really makes the tourists mad. This is a mom and pop that has one, count them one, single wood fired pizza oven. Each pizza takes 6 minutes. They only make enough doughs for one day. This gives new meaning to call ahead.

But you see we have tasted this pizza, and the less the tourists eat, the more that's left for us. Best pizza In have ever put into my mouth.
Even better than M.J. Pippins??????????