Heeeeeee's Baaaaccccck

We all have seen the Democrats before gerrymander congressional districts to favor their party.
From my understanding, each congressional district is supposed to be limited to 750,000 people and is based on the US Census taken every 10 years. Redistricting occurs the year following the Census. Some states will gain congressional districts and some will lose some. I agree whatever party is the majority at the time, will gerrymander districts to their political agenda. I have seen some district maps and thought WTH? You can see some of the weirdest congressional district maps here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...s-most-gerrymandered-congressional-districts/

There needs to be a better system in place when it comes to redistricting to prevent the gerrymandering. Perhaps stating districts must be more circular in shape or square in shape and not exceeding 750,000 people.